The Marland Family


Merland of Orchardleigh documentary sources

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Pipe Roll Devon Michaelmas 9 John (29 Sep 1207)


Taillagia facta per Jacobum de Poterne et Willelmum de Monte Acuto et socios suos

Idem Vic. r.c. de xlij s. de taillagio de Sefbere. Et de x m. de taillagio de Lideford. Et de iiij m. de taillagio de Wike. Et de x m. de taillagio de Kenton'. Et de xx s. de Toma Quatremains pro dissaisina. Et de j m. de Willelmo Prute pro eodem. Et de j m. de Henrico de Merland pro eodem. Et de j m. de Waltero le Deueneis pro eodem. Et de dim. m. de Rogero Aldredo pro eodem. Et de dim. m. de Wawain Prute . pro eodem. Et de dim. m. de Roberto mercatore pro eodem. Et de ij s. de Amfrido de Kingeston' pro eodem. Et de xij d. de Roberto Dun pro eodem. Et de iij s. de Ricardo Wenche pro eodem. Et de ij s. de Admaro f. Anketil. pro eodem. Et de xij d. de Nicolao f. Aslac pro eodem. Et de ij s. de Johanne de Hilla . pro eodem. In thes. lib. in x taleis. Et Q. E.
Idem Vic. r.c. de 1 m. de taillagio ciuitatis Exon'. In thes. xx li. Et debet xx m.
Idem Vic. r.c. de xx s. de taillagio de Hurbert'. Et de xl s. de taillagio de Siluerton'. In thes. Nichil. Et in perdonis episcopo Winton' lx s. per breue R. Et Q. E.
[One line blank]


Tallage (tax) levied by James de Poterne and William de Monte Acuto and associates

... for disseisin (misappropriation of land) ... [tallage] of 1 mark [13s 4d] from Henry de Merland.


Pipe Roll Soc NS 22 1944 p.183





Curia Regis Rolls Michaelmas Term 16-17 Henry III


2156. Sum[erset]. Robertus de Merlande optulit se quarto die versus Ivonem filium Willelmi de placito dimidie virgate terre cum pertinentiis in Orchardlegh', quam clamat ut jus suum versus eum etc.; et Ivo non venit etc., et summonition etc. Judicium. Terra capiatur in manum domini regis etc., et dies etc.; et ipse summoneatur quod sit a die sancti Hillarii in xv. dies etc.

2156. Somerset. Robert de Merlande presented himself on the fourth day against Ivo FitzWilliam for a plea of half a virgate of land with appurtenances in Orchardlegh, which he claims as his right against the latter etc.; and Ivo did not appear etc., and a summons etc. Judgment: That the land be taken into the hand of the King etc., and a day etc., and [the defendant] be summoned which would be fifteen days from the day of St Hillary etc.


Curia Regis Rolls 1230-1232, Roll 111 m.8d




Close Rolls 17 Henry III


Eudo de Merland' venit coram rege apud Sanctum Briavellum die Veneris post festum sancte Lucie, et petiit terram suam in Merland' sibi replegiari, que capta est in manu regis pro defalta ipsius Eudonis.


Eudo de Merland came into the presence of the King at St Briavels [GLS] on the Friday after the feast of St Lucia [= 16 Dec], and petioned for his land in Merland to be restored to him, which had been taken into the hand of the King by the default of the said Eudo.


Membrane 15d





Close Rolls 17 Henry III


Devonia: Laurencius le Flemeng et Robertus de Merland' posuerunt se coram rege in perambulationem faciendam inter terram ipsius Laurencii in Wynescot' et terram ipsius Roberti in Merland'. Et habent inde literas regis.


Devon: Laurence le Flemeng and Robert de Merland presented themselves in the King's presence in a progress being made between the land of the said Laurence in Wynescot [Winscott, in Pyworthy parish] and the land of the said Robert in Merland [Peters Marland]. And they have thence letters of the King.

[If correctly identified, these manors are about 20 km apart.]


Membrane 7d





Liber Feodorum (Testa de Nevil)


De Roberto de Merlande de dimidio feodo xiijs iiijd per ij tallias


From Robert de Merlande from half a fee 13s 4d for two tallies


S.ij.15.II.725-727; p.428


Sumersete in libro. Transcribitur.
Hugo de Meriet et Johannes de Aure, collectores de eodem auxilio in hoc comitatu, reddunt compotum
Iidem reddunt compotum de

...Et de j.m de dimidio feodo Roberti de Merlande


Somerset, written in the book

Hugo de Meriet and John de Aure, collectors of the same aid in this county, render account

The same render account of ...

And of one mark from half a fee Robert de Merlande


S.ij.13.II.737-739; p.430


Devonia: De arreragiis illorum qui debent ex alia parte rotuli

Idem reddit compotum de v.s xj.d ob. de va et xla viij. parte unius feodi Roberti de Merlaund' de eodem. In thesuro nichil. Et in predicto superplusagio v.s xj.d. ob. Et quietus est.


Devon: Of the arrears of those who owe from another part of the roll

The same made account of 5s 11½d for a fifth and a forty-eighth [?] part of one knight's fee from Robert de Merlaund of the same. Nothing in the Treasury.

And in the aforesaid surplus 5s 11½d. And it is settled.


S.ij.14.I.841-846; p.433-434






Feet of Fines Devon 22 Henry III


At Exeter, on the octave of St John Baptist, in the 22nd year of King Henry [1 July 1238]. Before William de Eboraco, Robert de Bello Campo, William de Sancto Edmundo and Jordan Oliver, justices itinerant, and other liegemen of our lord the King then there present. Between William de Blakedon, plaintiff, and William Pypard, tenant; as to 4 ferlings of land in Borhiwis.* A plea was between them. William de Blakedon remitted & quit-claimed for himself & his heirs to William Pypard & his heirs all the right & claim he had in the said land for ever. For this William Pypard gave to William de Blakedon 5 marks of silver.


And Robert de Morlond put in his claim.


* Unless Gorhuish or Northhuish or Bochuish (Bukish) is intended, this is thought to be Blackaton Pipard. Testa de Nevil, 1283, 193a: John son of Richard holds 1 virgate [= 4 ferlings] of land in Blakedon of Hugh de Bollay, etc; After Death Inq., 51 Hen. III., No. 18, p. 30: Willm Pipard died seised of Blakedon.


Devon Feet of Fines 1196-1272; Dev Corn Rec Soc, 1912





Somerset Pleas 22 Henry III


394h. The assize comes to recognise whether Richard le Bigot unjustly, etc., disseised the Abbot of Cirencestr' of his common of pasture, in Marston, which appertains to his free tenement in Frome, since the first crossing, etc. Robert de Merland, Hugh Tunerre, Robert de Watelegh', and Robert de Mele recognitors of the same assize, did not come. Therefore they are in mercy. The jurors say that the Abbot put in his view (posuit in visu suo) a certain, pasture which is called le Mareis, and a certain other pasture between Appedhull' and Thigkethorn', concerning which they say that the said Richard disseised him of his common of pasture in le Mareis, as the writ says. Therefore it is considered that the Abbot should recover his seisin by view of the recognitors. Richard is in mercy, by pledge of "William le Butelier and William de Hardington. They say also concerning the common of pasture between Appedhull' and Thikkethorn, that he [Richard] did not disseise him as the writ says, because he was never in seisin thereof within the time aforesaid.2 Therefore Richard, as to this [may go] without a day, and the Abbot is in mercy, by pledge of Robert de Blakeford' and William Branche. Afterwards the Abbot came and made fine for 5 marks, by pledge of the same, and Richard 10s. by the pledges above-mentioned. Damages, ½ mark.


Som Rec Soc v.11; 113



Liber Feodorum (Testa de Nevil)


Somerset et Dorset
Feoda eorum qui tenent de domino rege in capite et eorum qui ipsis tenent
... de domino rege
Robertus de Merlande j. feodum de eodem


Somerset and Dorset
Fees of those who hold direct from the King and those who hold from them
... from the King
Robert de Merlande one fee from the same


S.ij.20.I.694-699; pp 750-751, 754


Feoda militum in comitatibus Somerset et Dorset
Robertus de Merlande tenet dimidium feodum de eodem

Knights' fees in the counties of Somerset and Dorset
Robert de Merland holds half a fee from the same


S.ij.20.I.733-735; pp 753-754


Particularia feoda que tenentur de domino rege in capite
Robertus de Merland' tenet in Wollecumb ij partes tercie partis j feodi pertininentis ad Horcherdleigh in Sumerset' quod idem Robertus tenet de rege


Particular fees which are held directly from the King

Robert de Merland holds in Wollecumb two parts of a third part of one fee belonging to Orchardleigh in Somerset which the same Robert holds from the King


S.ij.21.779-780; p.782





Somerset Pleas 27 Henry III


702. Eudo de Merland', who brought a writ of warranty against Robert de Merland', does not proceed. Therefore he and his pledges to prosecute, namely William le Blun and Hugh the Miller, are in mercy.


704. Eudo de Merland, who brought a writ against Robert de Merland to have reasonable estovers in Robert's wood in Orcherlegh', does not proceed. Therefore he and his pledges to prosecute, namely Walter le Bum and Hugh the Miller, are in mercy.


Som Rec Soc v.11; 217





Somerset Pleas 3 Edward I Taunton 14-Nov 1275


And Henry de Merland, Thomas le Bygod, Gilbert Michel William Polein, John de la Mare, Thomas Lastur, John de la Holeweye, Richard Furmage, Geoffrey le Blund, Richard de Erlegh and Hugh le Colier' , recognitors, did not come, therefore they are in mercy.


And John de Laverton', Henry de Merlaunde, Gilbert Michel, Adam de Ponte, Thomas le Bygod, John de la Mare, Thomas le Lastur, Richard Pormage, Ralf son of Ernald, John de Gayfer and Geoffrey le Blunt, recognitors, did not come, therefore they are in mercy and the sheriff is ordered to have the bodies of all of them at Bruton on five weeks from Easter (10 May 1276) to make etc.


Som Rec Soc v.41; 29, 32





Somerset Pleas 4 Edward I Frome 10 May 1276


And William le Bret, John de Holecumbe and Henry de Merlaunde, recognitors, did not come, therefore they are in mercy ; the amercement of William le Bret is pardoned by the justices.


Som Rec Soc v.41; 37





Somerset Pleas 8 Edward I Somerton, 31 May 1280


Henry de Merlaunde seeks against Thomas son of Ralf le Bret two parts of a messuage, of eight acres of. meadow, of eight acres of wood and of one carucate of land,, excepting two parts of 12 acres of land, in Orcherdesleye and against Rose who was the wife of Ralf le Bret a third part of a messuage, of eight acres of meadow, of eight acres of wood, and of one carucate of land, excepting a third part of twelve acres of land, in the same town, by a 'recipe in capite' : whereon he says that one Robert his ancestor, in the time of peace in the time of King H. father of the present king,, was seised of those tenements in his demesne as of fee and right taking thereof the issues to the value etc. and from Robert the right etc. descended to this Henry who now seeks as son and heir, and that such is his right he offers etc.

And Thomas and Rose come : and Rose says that she holds the third part sought against her as dower of the inheritance of Thomas and she vouches Thomas to warranty thereon who is present and warrants her : and he denies his (Henry's) right when etc. and everything etc. and the seisin of Robert his ancestor as of fee and right and he puts himself on the great assize of the king and asks for a recognition to be made whether he has the greater right to hold the tenements as he holds them or Henry to have them in demesne as he seeks them.

And Simon de Thorny, John de Sancto Laudo, Walter de Dunheuede and Peter de Fauncomberge, four knights summoned to elect etc. come and elect these, namely Robert Malherbe, Philip de Gryndeham, Anselm Basset, Roger de Lokynton', William de Pyawton', Humfrey de Waddon', Ellis Cotele, Roger fitz Payn, Richard de Empneburgh, Philip de Wyke, Adam de Button, Geoffrey de Stawell', Walter de Dunheued, Simon de Thorny, Peter de Facumberge, and John de Sancto Laudo.

Afterwards : they are agreed and Thomas gives one marc for licence to agree by pledge of the said Henry, and they have a chyrograph etc [see next two entries].


Som Rec Soc v.44; 226




Somerset Pleas 8 Edward I Somerton, 31 May 1280


(m. 28d) Henry de Panes who brought a writ of debt against Nicholas de Monteforti and Anselm Basset, the executors of the will of Henry de Monteforti, do not proceed therefore they and their pledges are in mercy namely Henry de Merlaunde and Herward le Feuere.


Som Rec Soc v.44, 192






Somerset Pleas 8 Edward I Somerton, 31 May 1280


Henry de Merlaund acknowledges that he owes Thomas le Bret £20. of which he will pay him 10 marcs at the feast of S. Martin this year and 10 marcs at the Purification following and 10 marcs at Easter following: and if he should not do so he grants that the sheriff shall levy the sum etc. and Giles de Flori and Nicholas de la Mare grant that should Henry not pay him those sums at the stated terms the sheriff shall levy the sum on their lands and chattels etc.

Somerset Record Soc v.44; 269





Somerset Feet of Fines 8 Edward I


40. At Somerton in the morrow of All Souls [3 Nov 1280]; between Henry de Merlaund, claimant; and Thomas son of Ralph le Bret, tenent; for two parts of a messuage, eight acres of wood, eight acres of meadow, and a carucate of land, except two parts of twelve acres, in Orchardeslegh : and between the said Henry, claimant; and the said Thomas, who Roesia, who was wife of Ralph le Bret, called to warrant; for the third part of a messuage, a carucate of land, eight acres of meadow, and eight acres of wood, except the third part of twelve acres of land, in the said vill. Thomas acknowledged the right of Henry and quit claimed to him: for this Henry gave Thomas twenty pounds sterling.


Som Rec Soc v.6; 247





Feudal Aids: Somerset


Hundredum de Frome: Veredictum duodecim juratorum hundredi de Frome, videlicet domini Roberti de Pains, Henrici de Marland, Roberti de Aumarle, Willelmi Warre, Giliberti Syrincetre, Willelmi Polein, Johannis de Curceles, Ricardi de Labarue, Johannis de la Bruere, Johannis de la Mare, Nicholai de Carswelleheye, Johannis de la Lhupezate, qui dicunt per sacramentum quod:

Nicholaus Braunche tenet Frome cum hundredo de domino rege i[n] c[apite] per servicium un[i] m[ilitis] faciendum, et clamat habere omnes liberates ad hundredum pertinentes.

Henricus de Marland tenet Orcherdleye de domino rege i[n] c[apite] per servicium j. [1] m[ilitis]


Hundred of Frome: Verdict of twelve jurors of the Hundred of Frome, namely ... Henry de Marland ... who state under oath that:

Nicholas Bruanche holds Frome with the Hundred directly from the King by service to be made by one knight, and claims to have all the freemen belonging to the Hundred.

Henry de Marland holds Orchardleigh directly from the King by the service of one knight


Feudal Aids Somerset 1284-1431 p.276





Feudal Aids: Devon


Walterus de Merlond tenet un[um] f[eodum] in Litelaerneston (rectuis Litel Ernescumb) de Ricardo de Beaumund, et idem Ricardus de Hugone de Curtenay, et idem Hugo de rege.


Hundred of Hartland

Walter de Merlond holds one fee in Little Yarnscombe from Richard de Beaumund, who holds it from Hugh de Curtenay, who holds it from the King


Feudal Aids Devon 1284-1431 p.342





Feudal Aids: Somerset


[Hundredum de] Frome: Henricus de Merlaund tenet di[midium] f[eodum] de domino rege i[n] c[apite] in Orchardleg:


Hundred of Frome: Henry de Merland holds a half fee direct from the King in Orchardleigh


Feudal Aids Somerset 1284-1431 p.309




Feudal Aids: Devon


[Hundredum de] Hertilond
Walterus de Merland tenet in Yernescomb j.[unum] f[eodum].


Hundred of Hartland

Walter de Merland holds in Yarnscombe one fee


Feudal Aids Devon 1284-1431 p.371





Patent Rolls 6 Edward II


May 2 Westminster

Pardon to Henry de Merlaunde and Joan his wife, the daughter and heir of Thomas Braunche, of the trespass committed by her father in acquiring in fee, without licence of the late king, from William Braunche, tenant in chief, a messuage and a carucate of land in the manor of Frome, together with emends of breaches of the assise of bread and ale by his men and tenants there. By fine of 100s.


Membrane 11

Patent Rolls 1307-1313 p.571





Inquisition ad quod damnum 6 Edward II


Henry de Merlaunde and Joan his wife to retain a messuage and land in the manor of Frome with the assize of bread and ale, which Thomas Braunche father of the said Joan acquired from William Braunche.


Chancery Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum C 143/93





Close Rolls 8 Edward II


April 13 Windsor: To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Selewode to be elected in place of Henry de Merlaund the younger, who is insufficiently qualified.


Membrane 10





Patent Rolls 10 Edward II


June 1 Westminster.
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Crombwelle, John de Mutford, John de Fresingfeld and Robert de Keleseye, on complaint by Richard Lovel that Robert son of Simon with Oliver, John and William his brothers, William Ostage, Robert Ostage, William Dodeman, John son of William Oliver, Robert le Cock, John his brother, John Lenge, William 1 Gerard, Thomas Brokat, John le Gray, and William his brother, John Bertelot of Fynchyngfeld, Henry de Merlaunde the younger, Geoffrey de Shireburn, Simon Bagge, Robert de Tapelton, and William his brother, William Alger, Gilbert Streyk, John Godehugh, John le Paschal, John Gostolf, John le Fynche, William de Derby, Hugh le Brous, William atte Dich, Stephen Sparewehach and John Coleman with others entered his manor at Toppes feld, co. Essex, broke his houses there and carried away 8 horses, 6 oxen, 6 cows, 5 bullocks and 5 calves, of the price of 42 marks 10s. and other goods.


Patent Rolls 1313-1317 p.502

Membrane 15d





Close Rolls 10 Edward II


Aug. 28. York: To the constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to release from prison in the castle Henry de Merlaunde the younger, upon his finding sufficient mainpernors to have him before the king on the morrow of All Souls to prosecute his action of error in the plea wherein Richard Lovel lately impleaded him before John de Crumbwell and his fellows, the king's justices, for a trespass committed upon him by the said Henry and others, whereof he was convicted and was afterwards committed to prison until he satisfied Richard for the damages awarded to him and the king for what pertained to him, the said Henry having been afterwards taken from the prison wherein he was detained to the said castle.


Membrane 27




Patent Rolls 10 Edward II


Pardon, at the instance of Richard Lovel, he having been duly satisfied, to Henry de Merland the younger of what pertains to the king for a trespass committed by him against the said Richard at Toppesfeld, co. Essex, whereof he was convicted before John de Crumbwelle and his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer, and adjudged to prison.
By K. on the information of Richard Lovel and W. de Monte Acuto.


Membrane 13
Patent Rolls 1313-1317 p.553





Feudal Aids: Somerset


Hundredum de FROME ac villa de Frome: Nicholaus Braunche

cum hameletis de Chichardle (sic): Henricus de Merlaunde


Hundred of Frome and the vill of Frome: Nicholaus Braunche

with the hamlets of [?Orchardleigh]: Henry de Merlaunde


Feudal Aids 1284-1431 p.319





Inquisition post mortem 12 Edward II


160. [*Henry de Merlaund deest.

Somerset. Horcherdelegh. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church.]


Missing, but thus given in the Calendar printed in 1806.


Henr' de Merlaund deest.
Horcherdlegh maner' extent' cum advocac' eccłiæ


Cal Inq post mortem v.1 1806


A copy exists in Hants RO 1M53/1627 (ca.1415)




Fine Roll 12 Edward II


Sept 15 Clipston, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to take into the king's hand the lands late of Henry de Merlaunde, deceased, tenant in chief.


Membrane 14


Nov 6 York. Order to the escheator beyond Trent to deliver to Henry de Merlaund, son and heir of Henry de Merlaund, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage; saving to Alice late the wife of Henry the father her Dower.


Membrane 13





Fine Roll 18 Edward II


July 19. Porchester.

Pardon, for a fine of 5 marks made by John le Flemeng, to him and to Alice, late the wife of Henry de Merlaunde, tenant in chief, of their trespass in intermarrying without licence. Somerset.


Membrane 26





Patent Rolls 5 Edward III


Feb. 8. Langley.
Commission of oyer and terminer ... to Edward de Sancto Johanne, Thomas de Louthe, John de Hampton and Robert de Hungerford on complaint by John de Kenne of Bromlegh that Richard de Lekford, Henry de Merlond, William Nichol, Andrew Thurstan, Roger Anketil, Thomas le Mas, William Henry, Robert Yve and others at Lekford, co. Southampton, broke his close, assaulted him, took away 4 horses, 8 oxen, 6 cows, 100 sheep and 20 swine of his, worth £100., carried away £100 in money and assaulted his servants.
By pet. of C. and fine of 20s,

Membrane 26d.
Patent Rolls 1330-1334 p.135






Somerset Fines 10 Edward III


At York in the quinzaine of Hillary, and afterwards in the quinzaine of Trinity in the same year [27 Jan and 10 Jun 1336]; between Henry de Merlaunde and Joan his wife, querents; and Edmund de Merlaunde, chaplain, and Richard de Wyrcester, chaplain, deforciants ; for sixty messuages, two carucates, and a hundred virgates and two acres and a half of land, fifty acres of meadow, twenty acres of pasture, a hundred acres of wood, forty-one shillings and one penny rent, and pasture for fourteen oxen, five cows, thirty pigs, and two hundred sheep, and their issue for two years, and all goats and their kids in Frome. Henry and Joan acknowledged the right of Edmund and Richard of which they had four messuages, the said carucates, fifty-nine acres of land, eighty-seven acres of meadow, the said pasture, four score and nineteen acres of wood, and the rent aforesaid with appurtenances by the gift of Henry and Joan. For this Edmund and Richard granted the same to Henry and Joan. They granted also to Henry and Joan the said rent, likewise the homages and all services of Andrew Braunche, William de Whatcoumbe, Clement Bychewode, Walter le Webbe, Richard Randolf and Cecilia his wife for all the tenements which Edmund and Richard held in the said vill, to hold to Henry and Joan for their lives. And besides Edmund and Richard granted for themselves and the heirs of Edmund, that a messuage and five acres of land which John le Bat held for life, and that a messuage and ten acres of land which Richard Randolf and Cecilia his wife held for their lives, and that a messuage, seven acres of land and one acre of meadow, which Robert le Hert and Isolda his wife held for their lives, and that a messuage and half an acre of land, which Peter Trowe and Juliana his wife held for the life of Juliana, and that a messuage and ten acres of land which the same Peter and Juliana and Alice the daughter of Juliana held for the lives of Juliana and Alice, and that a messuage which John Cable, senior, held for life, and that a messuage which Agnes Gayspore held for life, and that a messuage which John le Britthere held for life, and that two acres of land which Thomas Southmore and Alice his wife held for their lives, and that a messuage which Robert de Oldefelde and Isabella his wife held for their lives, and that a messuage, two acres of land and two acres of meadow which Cristina Bythewode and Clement her son held for their lives, and that an acre of wood which the same Clement held for his life, and that a messuage and eighteen acres of land which Walter Godrich and Agnes his wife held for their lives, and that a messuage and one acre of land which John le Pew and Avicia his wife held for their lives, of the heirs of Edmund in the said vill, which after the decease of the aforesaid lifeholders to the aforesaid Edmund and Richard and the heirs of Edmund ought to revert, shall remain to the aforesaid Henry and Joan to hold like the other tenements and pasture for their lives ; and after the decease of Henry and Joan all the said tenements and pasture shall remain to William son of Henry and Joan and the heirs of his body begotten ; and if William shall die without such heirs then to John his brother for his life, and after his decease to remain to Henry his brother and the heirs of his body begotten ; and if Henry die without such heirs then to remain to Edmund his brother ; and if Edmund die without such heirs then to remain to the right heirs of the aforesaid John.

Somerset Record Soc v.12; 182-3





Patent Rolls 12 Edward III


June 10. Walton.
Licence for Andrew Braunche to grant for life to Henry de Lancastre, earl of Derby, Walter de Pavely, knight, and Henry de Merlaunde, the manor and hundred of Frome, co. Somerset, said to be held in chief. By p.s.


Patent Rolls 1338-1340 p.101

Membrane 21





Close Rolls 13 Edward III


To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Henry de Merlaunde, as he is also charged with the office of verderer in Selewode forest in that county and he is so broken by age that he cannot exercise both offices.


Membrane 24





Patent Rolls 13 Edward III


July 15 Kennington.
Appointment, pursuant to the ordinance of the late Parliament at Westminster for the arrest of suspected persons, ... of Thomas de Berkele, knight, John Maudut, knight, Thomas le Botiler, knight, Robert Selyman, knight, Robert de Panes and Robert del Boure, to arrest Alan son of Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, John Oweyn John de Bourne of Farleye, William son of Henry de Merlonde, Thomas de Panes, Thomas de Meresfeld, William Grigge, John Derby and William Tyny, suspected of breaking the close, and houses of the said Alan, at Wytenham, co. Somerset, and taking away 9 oxen and 154 sheep, with other goods. By C.


July 16 Kennington.
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, John Maudut of Somerford, knight, John de Clyvedon, knight, and Robert Selyman, knight, on complaint by Alan de Cherleton, knight, that Alan son of Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, John Oweyn, John de Bourne of Farleye, William son of Henry de Merlaunde, Thomas de Maresfeld, Henry Scathelok, William Grigge, John de Derby, William Tyny, John le Spicer of Bradeford, Isabella Pylke, William de Sloughtre of Troubrugge, chaplain, and others broke his close and houses at Wittenham, took away 9 oxen and 154 sheep of his, worth £22 and carried away his goods. Wilts.
By C. because he made a fine with the king contained in other letters.


July 16 Kennington
Commission of oyer and terminer ... to William de Shareshull, Richard Lovel, John de Clyvedon and Walter de Rodeneye, on complaint by Alan de Cherleton, knight, that Alan son of Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, John Oweyn, John de Bourne of Farleye, William son of Henry de Merelaunde, Thomas de Meresfeld, Henry Scatelok, William Grigge, John de Derby, William Tyny, John le Spicer of Bradeford, Isabella Pylke, William de Sloughtre of Troubrugge, chaplain, and others broke his close, houses, and chests at la Rode, co. Somerset, took away 2 horses, 14 oxen, 11 cows, a calf and 50 sheep, worthy £40 and carried away his goods and deeds, writings and other muniments.
By C. because he made a fine with the king contained in other letters.

Patent Rolls 1338-1340 pp.352,354,355
Membranes 30d,32d





Patent Rolls 14 Edward III


Jan. 27. Westminster.
License, in consideration of a fine made by Gilbert Michel, for the alienation in mortmain to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the chapel of St. Mary in the church of St. John the Baptist, Frome, for the souls of the faithful departed, of the following messuages, lands and rents in Frome : by the said Gilbert, 3 acres of land ; by Feoditha Russel, a messuage, an acre of land and 3s. of rent; by Nicholas Gryndenham, a messuage; by John Wylchet, a cottage ; by Walter Southovere, a cottage; by Walter Holdefeld, a cottage ; by Thomas Brunford, a cottage; by John Curfold, 2 acres of land; by John Aslyn, half an acre of land; by Roger de Radene, half an acre of land; by John atte Grove, an acre of land ; by Peter le Sopere, 3 perches of land; by William Portabryf an acre of land and half an acre of meadow; by Roger Wastel, half an acre of land; by Walter Tyderyngton, an acre of land; by Peter son of Arnold, half an acre of land; by John Loveworthy, an acre of land; by Robert Chapman, 3 perches of land; by Robert Messer, an acre of land; by Philip Gryndenham, 2 acres of land; by Reginald Michel, an acre of land; by William Poleyn, John de Cayner, Robert Somedy, John atte Grove, John Cable, Walter de Whatecombe, Reginald Poleyn, Thomas Curfold, Henry de Merlande, Thomas de Marlebergh and Roger le Cayner, 15 acres of land ; by Thomas de Berewell, 16d. of rent; by Agnes la Need, 2s. of rent; by William le Coke, 6s. of rent; by William de Radene of 12d. of rent. By fine of 5 marks. Somerset.


Patent Rolls 1338-1340 p.411
Membrane 47





Patent Rolls 15 Edward III


July 22, Tower of London. Appointment of Richard Damory and Andrew Braunche to arrest, and imprison in the Tower of London, Richard, serjeant of William de Merlaunde, William brother of the said Richard, William de Merlaunde, Henry de Merlaunde the younger, William his brother, Henry de Merlaunde the elder and Edmund de Merlaunde, parson of the church of Lullyngton, who have been indicted before Richard Lovel, Walter de Pavely, John de Palton, the said Andrew and Oliver de Cervyngton, lately appointed by the king to make inquisitions touching confederacies and trespasses against the peace in the hundred of Frome and elsewhere in the county of Somerset.


Membrane 34d

Patent Rolls 1340-1343 pp.315-6





Close Rolls 16 Edward III


April 20. Westminster

To the sheriff of [Somerset]. Order not to intermeddle until further order with attaching [those] whom the king appointed with others to collect wool in that county for the past year, or with taking their lands, goods and chattels, restoring to them any issues received from their lands, as although the king lately ordered the sheriff to attach them and take their lands, goods and chattels, and have them in chancery on Monday after the quinzaine of Easter last to answer the king for a certain disobedience, and further to do and receive what should then be determined by the council; yet they have been attached by the sheriff, and on being brought before the king in chancery on the said day they have undertaken to certify him concerning the collection of wool fifteen days from Trinity next, at their peril, and for that reason they are licensed to return to their own.
The sheriff of Somerset for:

John Reygny knight, Alexander Luterel knight, John de Brakton, Thomas de Goundenham, Richard Pelruel of Taunton, Nicholas atte Yerd of Crukerne, Walter de Rodeneye, Henry de Merlaunde, Richard de Flory, John Baret, John de Clyvedon, John de Seintlou, Humfrey de Stonsilc.
Collectors of wool in Somerset


Membrane 15


Two similar orders in the same year, April 15 Westminster and March 15 Eltham


Membrane 23d

Membrane 26d





Patent Rolls 16 Edward III


July 1 Tower of London.
Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent, dated 2 May, 6 Edward II, pardoning Henry de Merlaunde and Joan his wife for the trespass of Thomas Braunche, her father, in acquiring from William Braunche, without the licence of Edward I, a messuage and land in the manor of Frome, with the amends of breaches of the assize of bread and ale by his men and tenants there. Further, whereas the said William granted in fee to the said Thomas 40 acres of meadow and 60 acres of wood in Frome, likewise held in chief, and as well he as the said Henry and Joan after his death entered upon the same without the licence of Edward I or Edward II, and on account of these trespasses the same have been taken into the hands of the present king, he has pardoned the trespasses and restored to Henry and Joan the meadow and wood. By fine of 6 marks. Somerset.


Membrane 30

Patent Rolls 1340-1343 p.483





Patent Rolls 16 Edward III


July 2 Tower of London
Whereas Godfrey de Shaftebury, now deceased, Juliana his wife, and Alice their daughter, acquired a life estate in a messuage and 10 acres of land, the said Juliana acquired the like in a messuage and garden, Roger le Vyneter and Dyonisia his wife acquired the like in a messuage, Margery la Bruchere acquired, the like, John de Melksham and Edith his wife acquired the like, Clement Sewy and Joan his wife acquired the like, and Walter Kympe and Hawisia his wife acquired the like estate in a messuage and 1 acre of land, in Frame, and Robert le Herb and Isolda his wife acquired the like estate in a messuage and 10 acres of land, and Richard Randalf and Cicely his wife acquired the like, in Cleynk, from Henry de Merlond, who held the same of Edward II, as of the right of Joan his wife, and entered into the same without the licence of the said king, the king has pardoned the trespasses herein, and made restitution of the lands which are now in his hands on account of such trespasses. By fine of 4 marks. Somerset.


Patent Rolls 1340-1343 p.471

Membrane 37




Feudal Aids: Somerset


Compotus vicecomitis Somersete, scilicet Thome Cary, et Edwardi de Stradlyng et Johannis de Derburgh, collectorum auxilii regis in parliamento suo apud Westmonasterium ad diem Lune proximam post festum Nativitatis Beate Marie Virginis anno vicesimo regis Edwardi tercii concessi ad primogenitum filium ipsius regis militem faciendum, videlicet de singulis feodis militum in comitatu Somersete xl.s. et juxta ratam xl.s. de partibus feodi hujusmodi.


Hundredum de Frome

De Henrico de Merlaunde pro sexta parte un[ius] f[eodi] m[militis] de illis duabus partibus un[ius] f[eodi] quae Henricus de Merlaund quondam tenuit in Richardesley et unde iidem respondetur supra pro di[midio] f[eodo] residuo de duabus partibus predictis vjs viijd

Hundredum de Frome

De Henrico de Merland pro di[midio] f[eodo] Orchardlegh quod Henricus de Merland quondam tenuit ibidem xx.s


Account of the sheriff of Somerset, namely Thomas Cary, and Edward de Stradlyng and John de Derburgh, collectors of the aid for the King in his parliament at Westminster to be brought on Monday next after the feast of the nativity of the BVM in the 20th year of King Edward III to his first-born son in order to form the King's army, viz: for a single knight's fee in co. Somerset 40s and pro rata for parts of a fee.


Hundred of Frome

From Henry de Merlaund for a sixth part of one knight's fee from those two parts of one fee which Henry de Merlaund formerly held in Orchardleigh and whence the same is answered above for the remaining half fee of the aforesaid two parts 6s 8d

From Henry de Merland for half a fee which Henry de Merland formerly held in the same place 20s.


Feudal Aids Somerset pp.335,354,361





Feudal Aids: Devon


Hundredum de Hertyland
De Almarico Fitz Waryn pro di[midio] f[eodo] m[ilitis] in Parva Ernescomb, tento de eodem honore i[n] c[apite] quod Walterus de Merlond quondam tenuit, et est parcella illorum iiijor [quattuor] feodorum, de quibus Philippus de Bello Monte oneratus est de relevio suo xx.s.


Hundredum de Shyrewill
De Alicia de Beaumont tenet manerium de Shyrewyll ...
Almaricus Fits Waryn tenet di[midium] f[eodum] m[ilitis] in Parva Ernescomb, que est in hudredo de Hertiland, tentum de predicta Alicia, ut parcellam manerii predicti, et ipse de honore predicto i[n] c[apite] quod Walterus de Merlond quondam tenuit.


Hundred of Hartland

From Almaric FitzWaryn for half a knight's fee in Little Yarnscomb, held from the same honour in chief as Walter de Merland formerly held it, and is a parcel of those four fees for which Philipp de Bello Monte [Beaumont] was responsible by his relief: 20s.


Hundred of Shirwell

Alicia de Beaumont holds the manor of Shirewill ...

Almaric FitzWaryn holds half a knight's fee in Little Yarnscombe, which is in the hundred of Hartland, held of the said Alicia as a parcel of the said manor, and the same [Almaric] holds from the said honour in chief as Walter de Marland formerly held it.


Feudal Aids Devon p.410,416,435





Inquisition Post Mortem 20 Edward III


634. Henry de Merlaunde. Writ, 7 June, 20 Edward III.
Endorsed by the escheator that the said Henry held no other lands &c. in the bailiwick than those contained in the annexed inquisition. Somerset. Inq. taken at Frome on Tuesday after St. Barnabas, 20 Edward III. Orchardeleghe. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of two parts of a knight's fee. He died on Thursday the morrow of St. Petronilla last. Henry his son, aged 30 years and more, is his next heir.


G. Edw. III. File 80. (17.)




Inquisition Post Mortem 20 Edward III


635. Henry de Merlaunde. (Writ missing.) Somerset. Inq. taken at Orchardelegh on Monday after St. Barnabas, 20 Edward III. Orchardelegh. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of two parts of a knight's fee. He died on Thursday the morrow of St. Petronilla last. Henry his son, aged 30 years and more, is his next heir.


E. Inq. p.m. File 9. (21.)





Fine Rolls 20 Edward III


Nov. 18. The Tower, London.

Henry de Merlaunde, the like [assessed at two hobelers] in the county of Somerset.


Membrane 4





Fine Rolls 20 Edward III


June 18. Order to Thomas Gary, escheator in the county of Somerset, to Porchester, deliver to Henry, son and heir of Henry de Merlaunde, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage.

By p.s. [17630.]


Membrane 19





Patent Rolls 22 Edward III


April 12. Westminster.
Licence, in consideration of 100s. which Henry son of Henry de Merland will pay to the king, for the said Henry to enfeoff William Flemmyng, parson of the church of St. Tathan, and Robert Cayner, parson of the church of Orchardele, of two parts of the manor of Orchardele, which manor is held in chief, and of the reversion of the third part of that manor, expectant on the demise of Joan late the wife of Henry de Merland; and for them to re-grant the same to him, Margaret, his wife, and his heirs.
And the 100s. have been paid in the hanaper. Somerset.


Membrane 3

Patent Rolls 1348-1350 p.57





Inquisition Post Mortem 22 Edward III


17. Henricus fil' Henr' de Merland feoffavit Will'um Flemmyng cl'icum.

Orchardele maner' Somerset'.


Cal Inq post mortem v.2 1808





Inquisition ad quod Damnum 22 Edward III


Summary: Henry son of Henry de Merland to settle two-thirds of the manor of Orchardleigh, with the reversion of the other third, now held for life by Joan late the wife of Henry de Merland, on himself, Margaret his wife, and his heirs.


National Archives C 143/288





Inquisition Post Mortem 23 Edward III


334. Joan de Merlaund. Writ, 1 October, 23 Edward III.
Somerset. Inq. taken at Frome, Thursday after St. Martin, 23 Edward III.
Exford. A messuage and a carucate of land held for life of the king in chief in free socage by service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly ; the reversion whereof belongs to Henry de Merlaunde, son and heir of Henry de Merlaunde.
She held no other lands &c. on the day she died. She died on the feast of St. Matthew last. Henry, son of Henry de Merlaunde and of the said Joan, aged 30 years and more, is her heir.


C. Edw. III. File 102. (21.)





Close Rolls 23 Edward III


Dec. 20 Westminster,
To Thomas Cary, escheator in co. Somerset. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a carucate of land in Egeford in that county restoring the issues thereof to Henry de Merlaunde, son and heir of Henry de Merlaunde as the king has learned by inquisition taken by the escheator that Joan de Merlaunde at her death held the said messuage and land for life of the inheritance of Henry the son, in chief in free socage, by the service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly, and the king lately took the homage of Henry the son for all the lands which his father held in chief at his death, and rendered them to him.


Membrane 3





Patent Rolls 32 Edward III


July 28 Westminster
Commission to Henry Merlande, king's serjeant at arms, John Bluwet, and John de Mersshton to arrest Richard Vernon, the younger, John le Fox, John Wyjon, Thomas Wyjon and Ellis Horn, who, as the king has learned by the tenour of an indictment before Roger de Bello Campo, keeper of the forest of Selewode, sent into the chancery by the king's command, have taken and carried away large numbers of his deer in divers parts of his said forest and perpetrated very many other misdeeds there ; and to bring them at once to his castle of La Devyse to be delivered to the constable of the said castle to be imprisoned there until further order. By C.


Membrane 35d.

Patent Rolls 1358-1361 p.149





Close Rolls 33 Edward III


Enrolment of release by Thomas de Cary, knight, son and heir of Thomasine de Cary, to John de Edyndon, the elder, and Thomasine his wife, of all his right and claim in the manor of Elme in the hundred of Frome and in the advowson of the church of that manor. Witnesses: John de Pavely, John Percehaye, knights, Robert de Borton, Peter de Testwode, George Vyncent, Robert de Panes, Henry Merlaund, John de Pedreton, John de Mershton. Dated Holte near Bradeford co. Wilts, Saturday after the Assumption, 33 Edward III.

Memorandum that Thomas came into the chancery at Westminster on 23 August and acknowledged the preceding deed.


Membrane 15d





Inquisition Post Mortem 45 Edward III


122. Henry de Merlaunde. Writ, 25 September, 45 Edward III.
Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Frome, 24 October, 45 Edward III.
Orchardelegh. The manor, held jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, for the term of their lives, with remainder to his heirs, of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee, the king's licence having been obtained.
Eggeford. A messuage, a carucate of land, 4a. meadow, 3a. wood, and 106s. 8d. yearly rent, held of the heirs of Andrew Braunche in free socage, namely, by service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly.
Porteshevede. The manor, held for his life of the duke of Lancaster by grant of Thomas de Halle, with remainder for life to Thomas's daughter Joan, now the wife of William de Stodelegh, and after her death to the right heirs of Thomas.
He died on 14 September last. John his son, aged 22 years and more,
is his heir.


C. Edw. III. File 221. (17.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 33. (13.)




Close Rolls 45 Edward III


Nov. 20. Westminster.
To Edmund Cheyne escheator in Somerset. Order to keep a third part of the manor of Orchardlegh in the king's hand until further order, to take the fealty of Margaret who was wife of Henry de Merlaund according to the form of a schedule enclosed, and to remove the king's hand and not meddle further with two thirds of the said manor and other lands not held of the king, which were taken into his hand by the death of Henry son of Henry de Merlaund, delivering up any issues thereof taken ; as it is found by inquisition, taken at the king's command by William Cheyne late escheator, that Henry de Merlaund at his death held no lands in that county in chief in his demesne as of fee, but held the said manor in chief by the service of the moiety of one knight's fee jointly with the said Margaret during their lives of the gift of William Flemmyng parson of St. Tathan and Robert Gayner parson of Orchardlegh made with the king's licence to them and the heirs of the said Henry, and divers other lands as well in his demesne as of fee as for life held of others than the king ; and the said licence was given to the said Henry son of Henry to enfeoff the said William and Robert and their heirs of two thirds of the said manor which is held in chief, and to grant to them also the remainder of one third thereof, held in dower of his heritage by Joan who was wife of Henry de Merlaund with reversion to him, and licence to the said William and Robert, seisin being had of the said two thirds, to give the same to the said Henry son of Henry and to Margaret his wife and the heirs of Henry son of Henry, and having received the attornment of the said Joan, to grant the remainder of the said third part after her death likewise to the said Henry son of Henry and the said Margaret and to the heirs of Henry son of Henry ; and the king is not assured whether the said Joan is yet living or no.


Membrane 5





Inquisition Post Mortem 45 Edward III


23. Joan late the wife of Henry de Merlaund.

Writ of precipimus, 22 November, 45 Edward III.
Somerset. Inq, taken at Frome, Saturday before the Epiphany, 45 Edward
Orchardlegh. A third part of the manor, held for life by way of dower by assignment of Henry, son and heir of Henry de Merlaund, sometime her husband. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of half a knight's fee.
She died on 15 June, 22 Edward III [1348]. John son of Henry son of Henry de Merlaund, aged 22 years and more, is her heir.

The said Henry the son had possession of the said third part as his inheritance from the time of Joan's death until 14 September last, when he died. On that day William Cheyne, then escheator, took it into the king's hand and had possession of it until he delivered it to Edmund Cheyne, now escheator.


C. Edw. III File 221. (17.)





Fine Rolls 45 Edward III


Order to ... escheator in the county of ... to take into the king's hand the lands whereof ... who held in chief, was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, and to make inquisition touching his lands and heir.
The like orders touching the lands late of the following persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named :

Henry Merlaund ; Somerset.


Membrane 4






Close Rolls 46 Edward III


Feb. 4. Westminster

To Edmund Cheyne escheator in Somerset. Order to remove the king's hand, and not to meddle further with a third part of the manor of Orchardlegh taken into the king's hand by the death of Henry son of Henry de Merland, delivering up any issues thereof taken since the death of Joan who was wife of Henry de Merland ; as it is found by inquisition, taken at the king's command by William Cheyne late escheator, that Henry de Merland at his death held no lands in that county in chief in his demesne as of fee, but held the said manor for life jointly with Margaret his wife (yet living) in chief by the service of the moiety of one knight's fee of the gift of William Flemyng parson of St. Tathans and Robert Cayner parson of Orchardlegh made with the king's licence to them and the heirs of the said Henry, and divers other lands as well in his demesne as of fee as for his life of others than the king ; and because in the king's said letters patent licence is given to Henry son of Henry de Merlaund to enfeoff the said William and Robert and their heirs of two thirds of the said manor, and to grant them and their heirs the remainder of one third thereof held in dower of his heritage by the said Joan with reversion to him, and licence to the said William and Robert to take seisin of the said two thirds and give the same to the said Henry the son and Margaret and to the heirs of the said Henry the son, to receive the attornment of the said Joan concerning the said third part and to grant the remainder thereof with the said two thirds to the said Henry the son and Margaret and to the heirs of Henry the son, and for that the king was not assured whether the said Joan was yet living or no, he ordered the escheator to keep in his hand that third part until further order, and to take the fealty of the said Margaret, removing the king's hand and not meddling further with the said two thirds and with other the lands aforesaid taken into the king's hand by the death of the said Henry the son ; and it is found by inquisition, by the now escheator taken at the king's command, that the said Joan is dead.


Membrane 32





Close Rolls 50 Edward III


Charter of John de la Mare knight, giving with warranty to Henry de Forde, John de Panes of Wyke, Thomas Erlestoke parson of Fisscher-ton by Wyly, John de Byry parson of Whateleigh, Godfrey Bydyk and John Adymot of Nony, two thirds of the manor of Fysscherton aforesaid and the advowson of the church, the third tarn of presentation excepted during the life of Ralph de Norton knight, a mill, rents, services and reversions in Fysscherton and Babeton sometime of Walter de Freynes, the farm of the third part of the said manor which the grantor has for life of the said Ralph by his grant except the third advowson of the said church which is in the said Ralph's gift, and the reversion of that third part if it shall fall in, the manor of Bysschopestrouwe, and the manor of Nony with appurtenances as well in Nony as in Clovorde, the grantor being bound to warranty of all the said manors, mills, lands, rents, services and reversions to the grantees, their heirs and assigns, and of the said farm with the reversion, if it shall fall in, to the grantees during the life of the said Ralph. Dated Nony co. Somerset, 5 October 49 Edward III. Witnesses : Hugh Tyrel, Ralph de Cheyny, Peter de Escudemour knights, Nicholas de Bonham, John Elys of Wiltesir, John de Merlaunde, Edmund de Flory, Henry de Mountfort of Somerset.

Memorandum of acknowledgment, 1 February this year.


Membrane 23d





Close Rolls 50 Edward I


Charter of Richard Priour, giving with warranty to Sir Thomas de Erlestoke chaplain, John Panys of Wyke and Godfrey Bydyk, their heirs and assigns, one rose rent which Joan who was wife of Nicholas do Netelton used to pay, one rose rent which John Godyhold used to pay, and all other services which they used to render to the said Richard for all lands of him held for life, and the reversion of such lands, and of all lands which ought to descend to him after the death of Christina Fontel, and such other rents, services and reversions in Nony and Trottockeshull as ought to descend to him as well in right of his ancestors as in right of John de Mersshton by purchase of the said Richard or by inheritance. Witnesses : John Merelaund, William Waleys, John Adymet, William Polayn, William Stodlegh, William Cayner. Dated Frome Brauncho, Monday after Midsummer 50 Edward III.

Memoradum of acknowledgment, 4 July.


Membrane 21d






Inquisition Post Mortem 9 Richard II


Margaret late the wife of Henry Merlond Writ, 14 November, 1385

272. Somerset, Inq. taken at Frome, Thursday after the Epiphany, 9 Richard II.

She held the under-mentioned manor of Orchardesleigh for life in joint feoffment with Henry her husband, deceased. She held the under-mentioned third part in dower by assignment of her late husband:

Orchardesleigh. The manor and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight's service.

Eggeforde. A third part of a messuage, a carucate of land, 4 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 106s. 8d. rent, held of Philip de Briene, knight, as of his manor of Frome, by service of a pair of spurs, price 6d., yearly.

She died on 27 June last. John Merlonde, her son by the said Henry, aged 30 years and more, is her heir.

C. Ric. II File 40 (2)

Cal Inq post mortem v.3 1821





Close Rolls 8 Richard II


May 4 Westminster

John Braunche, cousin and heir of Nicholas Braunche knight, to Philip de Bryene, his heirs or assigns. Charter with warranty of the manor of Frome Braunche and Valeyse with The whole hundred of Frome, the suits rights, rents and reversions thereto pertaining as the said Nicholas his grandfather held the same, except a messuage wherein the said John's father lately dwelt, now held by Matthew Honycode, and 3½ acres of land and half an acre of meadow lying together at the Woweforde now held by John Jones

Witnesses: Guy de Bryene William Botreaux, Thomas Marchal, Stephen Derby knights, John Mantravers, John Merlaund, John de Erlegh Morgan Gogh, Simon Barnabe, William Rycheman, John Ademet William Mounagu (sic), William Stodlegh, Roger de Frome.

Memorandum of acknowledgment, 4 May.


Membrane 14d





Fine Rolls 9 Richard II


Order to ... escheator in the county of ... to take into the kings hand and keep safely until further order all the lands in his bailiwick whereof ... who held of the king in chief, was seised in her demesne as of fee on the day of ...  death, and to make inquisition touching ... lands and heir

The like orders touching the lands of the undermentioned persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named :

Nov. 14 Westminster

Margaret late the wife of Henry Merlond ; Somerset.


Membrane 50





Fine Roll 9 Richard II


March 12. Westminster.
Order to Richard Virgo, escheator in the county of Somerset - pursuant to an inquisition made by Richard Otery, escheator in the same county, shewing that Margaret late the wife of Henry Merlond held for life of the king in chief by knight service, in joint feoffment with the said Henry, sometime her husband, the manor of Orchardesleigh, co. Somerset, and the advowson of the church of the manor, of the inheritance of John Merlond, son and heir of Henry, and that she held in dower of others than the king, of the same inheritance, a third part of a messuage a carucate of land, 4 acres of meadow, 4 acres of wood and 106s. 8d. of rent in Eggeford, by assignment of the said Henry - to cause the said John to have full seisin of the manor advowson and third part aforesaid, as the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p s


Membrane 10





Patent Rolls 10 Richard II


April 20. Westminster

Pardon, for 10 marks paid to the king, to Peter Courtenay Westminster, for acquiring in fee from Richard Clyvedon and Agnes his wife the manor of Westhrop by Higheworth, held in chief, and entering thereon without licence, and grant to him of the premises as acquired, with further licence to grant the same to John Merland, Ralph Persevale, William Combe of Bristol, John Yonge of Bristol, the elder, Henry Bokerell, Thomas Grede, Richard Ichyngton and Walter Saander, in fee simple.


Membrane 11

Patent Rolls 1385-1389 p.298





Fine Rolls 11 Richard II


Order to ... escheator in the county of ... to take into the king's hand and keep safely until further order all the lands in his bailiwick whereof ... who held of the king in chief, was seised in ... demesne as of fee on the day of ... death, and to make inquisition touching ... lands and heir,
The like orders touching the following persons, addressed to the escheators in the counties named
Dec 14 Westminster.
John de Merland ; Somerset.


Membrane 5





Patent Rolls 18 Richard II


Aug. 7. Westminster.
Roger Crophill, esquire, going in the retinue of the king, has letters nominating John Styuecle and William Bereford his attorneys for half a year. Hugh de Gaudeby, clerk, received the attorneys.
John Merland, esquire, has the like, nominating Edmund Flory and Simon Barnabe. The said Hugh, &c.


Membrane 26

Patent Rolls 1391-1396 p.472






Fine Rolls 21 Richard II


Aug. 2 Westminster.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Clyvedon, John Merlond and John Wykyng, - by mainprise of John Frank, clerk, and John Marchant of Taunton of the county of Somerset - of the keeping of a third part of the manor of Milton on Stoure, co. Dorset, late of Reynold Brecore, which is of the inheritance of William, son of the said Reynold, and pertains to the king by reason of William's idiocy, to hold the same from the time of Reynold's death for as long as the third part shall remain in the king's hand for the above cause, rendering to the king yearly as much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer, and finding fit sustenance for William.
By bill of the treasurer.

Membrane 32





Feet of Fines London & Middlesex (Divers Counties) 4 Henry IV


70. Reginald de Grey, of Ruthyn, John Hervy, John Brent, John Merland, Thomas Bolour, of the county of Hertford, William Oterhampton, parson of the church of Silferton, John Judde, parson of the church of All Saints of Wyreestre, John Streech, John Mauyngford, Mathew Cokere, and John Sparwe, and Sir Mathew Gournay, and Philippa, his wife. The manor of Sheperton, and the advowson of the church of the same manor, in the county of Middlesex, and various manors and lands in the counties of Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Kent, Gloucester, and Buckingham. Anno 4.





Close Rolls 8 Henry IV


Dec. 10 Westminster.

To the escheator in Somerset and Dorset. Order to give Philippa late the wife of Matthew Gourney knight livery of the manors, moieties, messuages, land and advowsons hereinafter mentioned, and the issues thereof taken ; as it is found by divers inquisitions, taken before Robert Grey late escheator, that at his death the said Matthew held as jointly enfeoffed with her the manor of Stoke under Hamedoun with the advowson of the free chapel, the manors and advowsons of Corymalet, Stratton Uppefosse and Telysforde, the manors of Inglescombe, Welweton, Laverton, Harpetre, Farenton and Milton Faconberge, a moiety of the manor of Shepton Malet and the advowson of the church, a messuage and one carucate of land in Northhalle co. Somerset; the manor and advowson of Ryme, a moiety of the manor of Langton Herynge, eight messuages, four carucates of land and 20 acres of meadow in Hamme Mohun, Sturmynstre, Northolt and Baggelake and the advowson of Great Kyngton church co. Dorset by gift of Reynold Grey lord of Ruthyn, William Oterhampton rector of Sulferton, John Hervy, John Brent, John Manyngforde, John Stretche, John Merlande, Thomas Bolour of Hertfordshire, John Judde rector of Allhallows Worcestre, Matthew Coker and John Sparwe to the said Matthew and Philippa and the heirs of, their bodies, and that the manor of Stoke under Hamedoun with the advowson of the chapel and the manor and advowson of Corymalet are held in chief the residue of others than the king ; and on 27 October last the king pardoned the trespasses therein committed, granting the said Philippa licence to hold the said manors and advowsons for life, and has taken her homage and fealty. By p.s. [5118]


Membrane 29





Patent Rolls 8 Henry IV


Oct. 27. Westminster

Pardon of the trespasses in the acquisition by Reginald de Grey of Ruthyn, 'chivaler,' William Oterhampton, parson of the church of Sulferton, John Kerry, John Brent, John Manyngford, John Streche, John Merlaunde, Thomas Bolour of the county of Hertford, John Jodde, parson of the church of All Saints, Worcester, Matthew Coker and John Sparwe from Matthew Gorney, 'chivaler,' now deceased, and Philippa his wife of the manor of Stoke under Hamden and the advowson of the chapel of the manor and the manor of Corymalet and the advowson of the church of the manor, held in chief, and the re-grant by them of the same to the said Matthew and Philippa and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to the said William and his heirs, without licence. By K.


Membrane 25
Patent Rolls 1405-1408 pp.267-8





Inquisition Post Mortem


Somerset 30 June 1408 William Bonevyle
In right of Alice his [second] wife he held for her life a third part of the manors of Rodney Stoke, Dinder, Lamyatt, Backwell, Ashill, Winford, Priddy, Hallatrow, Twerton, and Saltford in dower from John Rodney, her former husband. By indenture dated 11 April 1403 William and Alice granted all these third parts to Peter Courtenay, knight, now deceased, John Seyntjon, knight, Richard Barbe, John Merlonde, Richard Sutton, John Venables, John Pederton William Poulet, to hold at farm for the life of Alice, rendering 50 marks yearly. So he held the rent of 50 marks jointly with Alice. Also in her dower he held a third part of the manor of Clevedon of Lady Despenser, annual value 10 marks.





Close Rolls 10 Henry IV


Nov. 20. Westminster.
To the escheator in Somerset and Dorset. Order to remove the king's hand and meddle no further with a third part of the manor of Clyveden, 50 marks a year of rent, the lands in Wyle and Burgh in ' Dalewode ' which were of John Strecche and others, and the manor of Colewey co. Dorset, delivering to Alice wife of William Boneville knight any issues thereof taken; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that by endowment of John Rodeney late her husband the said William and Alice held for her life a third part of the manors of Stoke Giffarde, Dynre, Lamyate, Asshulle, Wynfreth, Pridy, Halwetre, Twyverton and Saltforde co. [Somerset], and by writing indented, dated 11 April 4 Henry IV, demised the same to farm for her life to Peter Courtenay knight now deceased, John Seint Jon knight, Richard Barbe, John Merlonde, Richard Sutton, John Venables, John Pederton and William Poulet for her life at a rent of 50 marks a year, that at his death the said William held in her right a third part of the manor of Clyveden co. Somerset as dower of the lands of Edmund de Clyveden knight sometime her husband, that he held of others than the king as jointly enfeoffed with her the said lands in Wyle and Burgh co. Dorset by gift of John Strecche and others to them and the heirs of their bodies, and in her right the manor of Colewey for her life.


Membrane 27





Close Rolls 10 Henry IV


Adam atte Welle, John Gloucestre clerks and William Twynyho of Fromebraunche to John Cable and John Frome clerk, their heirs and assigns. Gift with warranty of a cottage in Frome whereof Thomas Forbour is tenant at will, a solar over the gate by a cottage of John Wodelonde carpenter on the one side and a tenement of Thomas Harper on the other, two cottages sometime of Thomas Chaundeler of Frome, and a rent of 3s. issuing horn a tenement of Dionysia Bodyes there; also of the reversions of a tenement with garden adjacent whereof John Shutte and Felice his daughter are tenants for life, a tenement with curtilage whereof Thomas Harper, a cottage whereof William Baker, a tenement with curtilage whereof John Cammel otherwise Hoper and Isabel his daughter, a cottage whereof John Wodelonde otherwise Carpinter and Clarice his wife are tenants for life. Witnesses: Edmund Leversegge, John Merlaunde, Richard Paveley, John Mountfort, Thomas Bathe, Walter Sylveyn, William Oram, Henry Donkerton, William Colesbourne, John Cayner, John Norton. Bated Frome aforesaid, the eve of the Purification 9 Henry IV.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Frome Braunche 31 August 9 Henry IV before John Franke clerk, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the chancery file.


Membrane 20d





Patent Rolls 12 Henry IV


July 15. Westminster.

Mandate to John Tiptot, ' chivaler,' Humphrey Stafford, ' chivaler,' the elder, and Hugh Loterell, ' chivaler,' to take the lordship or manor of Frome Branche alias Frome Valeys with the hundred of Frome into the king's hand and keep the same until further orders with all profits and revenues, and not to allow Robert Lovell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife or Edmund Leversegge and Elizabeth his wife, Walter Silvayn, John Merlond and John Peterdon to enter into or meddle with the same. Lately, when strife and discords had arisen concerning the same, and the parties submitted to the king's ordinance, the king by the advice of the council decreed (see p. 214) that neither of the parties should meddle with the premises but that the keeping should be committed to the said Humphrey and William Cheyne 'chivaler,' until Easter last; and now the king is informed that although on 15 November last judgement was given by the council by advice of the justices then in the council that Edmund should remove his wife and children and household from the premises within one month and they should not return before Easter and he himself should appear from day to day in person In Chancery until he had licence from the chancellor, and he was bound to this under penalty of 1000 marks before the council; nevertheless he went in person to the premises long before Easter and procured the said Walter, John and John to enter therein and collect the issues and profits, and so divers riots, homicides and maimings have occurred, and more are feared. By K.


Membrane 4

Patent Rolls 1408-1413 pp.303-4





Close Rolls 2 Henry V


Roger Hunte, John Botyler and Giles Harleston to Walter Hungerforde, William Hankforde knights, William Besile, John Prat chaplain and John Westbury the younger, and to the heirs and assigns of Walter Hungerforde, confirmation and quitclaim indented of the manor of Telysforde co. Somerset and the reversion thereof, and of all other lands, rents, reversions, woods etc. there; reciting a fine levied in 5 Henry IV, whereby Reynold lord de Grey Ruthyn [sic], John Hervy, John Brent, John Merlonde, John Strecche, John Sparwe, Matthew Coker and William Oter-hampton clerk were seised of the said manor to them and the heirs of William Oterhampton, a feoffment thereof (among other things) by them made to Matthew de Gurnay knight and Philippa his wife and to the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to the grantors and the heirs of William Oterhampton, the death of Matthew de Gurnay without issue by his said wife, her marriage to John Typtot knight, a fine levied in the late king's court whereby the said Reynold and the others granted the reversion of the said manor (among others) to the said Roger  Hunte, John Botyler and Giles and to Richard Maydeston and John Ufforde clerk and the heirs of John Ufforde, a release thereof made by Richard Maydeston to Roger Hunte and John Botyler, a release made by John Ufforde to them, their heirs and assigns, and a charter whereby John Typtot gave the said manor, lands etc. to the said Walter Hungerforde and the others during the life of the said Philippa. Witnesses : Robert Corbet, William Cheyne knights, John Saymer esquire, Peter Stanter, Edmund Leversegge. Dated Telysforde, Sunday after Allhallows 2 Henry V.
Memorandum of acknowledgment by the said Roger and John Botyler, 8 November.


Membrane 12d





Close Rolls 2 Henry V


Nov. 14 Westminster To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Writ of supersedeas in respect of their demand upon Gilbert Wyke to answer or account for the issues or farm of a third part of the manor of Milton upon Stoure co. Dorset, late of Reynold Brecore deceased and of the heritage of William his son, by reason of whose idiocy the same did pertain to King Richard II, and order to discharge the said Gilbert and his mainpernors ; as in a cause in chancery between John Clyvedoun and John Merlonde and the said Gilbert concerning the keeping thereof, it was determined that letters patent of the king to him should be revoked, and the said John and John put again in possession of the keeping thereof, with the issues taken since they were thrust out.


Membrane 5





Patent Rolls 2 Henry V


Nov. 7 Westminster
Revocation of letters patent committing to Gilbert Wyke the keeping of a third part of the manor of Milton on Stoure, co. Dorset, as at the suit of John Clyvedon and John Merlond, complaining that Richard II by letters patent committed the keeping to them and John Wykyng, now deceased, and in the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 3 Henry IV, they made an agreement with the treasurer of England in full Exchequer about the sum to be rendered and continued their possession until the death of John Wykyng and afterwards the said John and John continued their possession until they were removed by colour of the letters to Gilbert, the king directed the sheriff to summon Gilbert to appear before him in Chancery at a certain day now past to show cause why the letters should not be revoked and John and John restored to possession, and the sheriff returned that he summoned him by William Sylveyn and Thomas Cotys, but he did not appear and judgement was given against him.


Membrane 16

Patent Rolls 1413-1416 p.249





Inquisition Post Mortem 3 Henry V


325. John Marland Writ 8 Oct. 1415. Somerset. Inquisition. Beckington. 21 Oct. He held in his demesne as of fee:
Orchardleigh, the manor and advowson, of the king in chief as half a knight's fee, annual value 100s.
Eggford, the manor, of Elizabeth widow of Edmund Leversegge of the manor of Frome in socage, annual value £10.
Bruton, 2 messuages and 1 toft, of the prior of Bruton, service unknown annual value 6s.8d.
On 25 June 1415 by charter shown to the jurors he gave the manors of Orchardleigh and Eggford to Thomas Bathe, William Chesterton, Robert Longe and John Norton of Frome to hold for the term of 9 years beginning on 29 June following in order to pay his debts and for prayers for his soul.
He died on 22 Sept. last. Margaret wife of Walter Silvayn, Richard Lecford, Reynold Halle and John Flory are next heirs; Margaret being the daughter of Edith 1st daughter of Robergia sister of Henry father of John, aged 30 years and more; Richard Lecford being the son of Richard son of Maud the 2nd sister, aged 38 years and more; Reynold Halle being the son of Thomas son of Thomas son of Isabel the 3rd sister, aged 33 years and more; and John Flory son of Edward son of Eleanor the 4th sister, aged 34 years and more.


326 Writ 8 Oct. 1415. Wiltshire. Inquisition. Westbury. 22 Oct.
He held 1 messuage and 1 virgate in Chitterne in his demesne as of fee of the abbess of Lacock, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.; and 1 messuage and 1 hide there of John Chitterne, clerk, annual value 10s.
Date of death and heirs as above.


C 138/12, no.29


29. Joh'es Marland.
Orchardleghe maner' et advoc' ecclesiae  Somerset
Egeford maner' Somerset
Bruton duo mes' et unum toftum Frome maner' Somerset
Chitterne mes' et terr' Wilts'.

Cal Inq post mortem v.4 1828






Fine Roll 3 Henry V


Order to the escheator in the county of ... to take into the king's hand and keep safely until further order all the lands in his bailiwick whereof ... who held of the king in chief, was seised in ... demesne as of fee on the day of ... death ; and to make inquisition touching ... lands and heir.
The like orders touching the lands of the following persons, addressed to the escheators in the counties named :

Oct 8 Westminster: John Marland; Somerset; Wilts


Nov. 9. Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset to take the Westminster, fealty of Richard Lecford, Reynold Halle and John Flory, make a partition into four equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick which belonged to John Marland on the day of his death, and cause Walter Silveyn and Margaret his wife (daughter of Edith the daughter of Robergia one of the sisters of Henry the father of the said John Marland), one of the kinsfolk and heirs of the said John, the said Richard Lecford (son of Richard the son of Maud the second sister of [Henry the father of] the said John), Reynold Halle (son of Thomas the son of Isabel [Henry's] third sister), and John Flory (son of Edmund the son of Eleanor [Henry's] fourth sister), the other kinsfolk and heirs of the said John Marland, to have full seisin of their pourparties; as the king has taken the fealty due from Walter by reason of his having issue by Margaret, and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited until the quinzaine of Hilary next the homage due from Walter, Richard, Reynold and John ; with proviso that each of the heirs and parceners have a share of the lands which are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.

Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Wilts (omitting the taking of fealty).


Membrane 31

Fine Rolls 1413-1422 p.104

Membrane 10
Fine Rolls 1413-1422 p.133




Patent Rolls 6 Henry V


June 15 Westminster.

Thomas atte Welle, for not appearing to answer John Merlond, esquire, touching a debt of 20£. Somerset.


Membrane 24

Patent Rolls 1416-1422 p.162





Close Rolls 2 Henry VI


Nov 23 Westminster.
To the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer. Order not to trouble the said John [sic; error in text introduced from warrant] for his homage; as the late king took the fealty of Walter Silveyn, who has taken to wife Margaret daughter of Edith daughter of Robergia one of the sisters of Henry father of John Marlande, being cousin and one of the heirs of the said John, due by reason of issue between them begotten, for a fine paid in the hanaper respited until a day now past the homage of the said Walter, and the homage of Richard Letforde, son of Richard son of Maud a second sister, of Reynold Halle, son of Thomas son of Isabel a third sister, and of John Flory, son of Edmund son of Eleanor the fourth sister, his other cousins and heirs, and on 9 November 3 Henry V commanded livery to be given them of their respective purparties ; and the king has taken the homage of the said John [sic] due for the purparty of the said Margaret. By p.s. [949.]


Membrane 13





Feudal Aids: Somerset


Hundredum de Frome:

De Johanne Flory et Waltero Silveyn pro di[midio] f[eodo] m[ilitis] in Orchardislegh quod Henricus de Merlond quondam tenuit ibidem iijs iiijd
De Johanne Flory pro vjta parte un[ius] f[eodi] m[ilitis] in Orchardyslegh ultra superdictum di[imidii] f[eodi] m[ilitis] quam (sic) idem Johannes tenet in eadem villa ut supra, et quam quidem vjtam partem supradictus Henricus Merlaund quondam tenuit ibidem, nichil quia minus iiijta parte


Hundred of Frome: From John Flory and Walter Silveyn for half a knight's fee in Orchardleigh which Henry de Merlond held in the same place 3s 4d

From John Flory for a sixth part of one knight's fee in Orchardleigh additional to the aforesaid half knight's fee which the same John holds in the same vill, and which same sixth part the aforesaid Henry Merlaund formerly held in the same place, nothing because less than a fourth part.


Feudal Aids 1284-1431 pp.385-386


Webmaster: Andrew Gray

Edited: 18 December 2015