The Marland Family


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The edited results of a search on the name Marland in April 2007


Date (range) Repository Description
1270-90 Somerset Archive and Record Service Microfilm copies of deeds, etc., relating mainly to Frome
The Sale Room Microfilm Project
List compiled by the SRM Project.
FILE - Conveyance - ref. T\PH\pls/1/8 - date: [c1270-90]
1 doc
Robert son of Roger de Radene to John de Corsoldes and Hawise his wife; messuage and garden in Frome with ½a. of arable at the Garston, which was all once held by John Iveray in the manor of Frome.
W: Henry de Merlande, Geoffrey Samuel, William Poleyn, Henry de Cayverd, Gilbert de Marisco. Endorsed: Frome Gascoyn
1270-90 Somerset Archive and Record Service Microfilm copies of deeds, etc., relating mainly to Frome
The Sale Room Microfilm Project
List compiled by the SRM Project.
FILE - Conveyance - ref. T\PH\pls/1/9 - date: [c1270-90]
1 doc
Maurice de Membury to John de Bercham; 2 messuages and 3 ferlings of land in Beckington with common of pasture for four oxen.
W: Robert Malherbe, Henry Merland, Adam de Ponte, Geoffrey le Wyte, Nicholas de Carslegh, Richard de Erlegh, Geoffrey Benet.
1338 The National Archives Item details C 143/243/2

Chancery: Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum, Henry III to Richard III
Inquisitions taken as a result of applications to the Crown for licences to alienate land.
Covering dates 11 Edward III.
Scope and content Feoditha Russel, Nicholas Gryndenham, John Wylchet, Walter Southovere, Walter Holdefelde, Thomas Brunford, Gilbert Michel, John Cursold, John Aslyn, Roger de Radene, John atte Grove, Peter le Sopere, William Portebryf, Roger Wastel, Walter Tyderyngton, Peter son of Arnold, John Loveworthe, Robert Chapman, Robert Messer, Philip Gryndenham, Reginald Michel, William Poleyn, John de Cayner, Robert Somedy, John atte Grove, John Cable, Walter de Whatecombe, Reginald Poleyn, Thomas Cursold, Henry de Merlande, Thomas de Marlebergh, Roger de Cayner, Thomas de Borewell, Agnes la Need, William le Coke, and William de Radene to grant messuages, land, and rent in Frome to a chaplain in the chapel of St. Mary in the church of St. John the Baptist there, retaining land held of Andrew Braunche. Somerset.

1348 - 1349 The National Archives Chancery: Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum, Henry III to Richard III C 143/288/13
Henry son of Henry de Merland to settle two-thirds of the manor of Orchardleigh, with the reversion of the other third, now held for life by Joan late the wife of Henry de Merland, on himself, Margaret his wife, and his heirs. Somers.
1383/4 Lancashire Record Office Hulton of Hulton
Hulton family, of Hulton Park, Baronets
FILE - Grant - ref. DDHU 7/6 - date: (9 Mar. 1383/4)
Margery daughter of Geoffrey of Klegg to Nicholas of Bamford -- her properties in Klegg in Boterworth, which Cecily her mother held as dower by Feoffment of Adam son of Nicholas of Merland -- Witn. Henry of Haworth, Alexander of Boterworth, John of Dernlegh Henry of the Holdeyn, Geoffrey of Newbolt. Given at Boterworth, Sun. after St. Cedde Bishop, 7 Ric. 11. (30).
1415 Hampshire Record Office Coventry of Burgate, Fordingbridge [1M53]
Coventry of Burgate, Fordingbridge Catalogue in Full
Bulkeley family of Fordingbridge, Hampshire
Coventry family of Fordingbridge, Hampshire
Trenchard Family
FILE - Parchment roll - ref. 1M53/1627 - [n.d.]
Containing -
C.15th copies of writs and inquisitions post mortem of Henry de Merland, 1318, 1346, Joan de Merland, 1349, Henry de Merland, 1371, John de Merland, 1415, (Somerset and Wilts.).
Exemplified at the request of Margaret, wife of Walter Silveyn and others, cousins and heirs of John Merland.
1416 The National Archives, Kew Item details C 138/12/29
Context : quick reference
C Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions
Division within C Records of the Chancery as central secretariat
C 138 Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Henry V
C 138/12
Record Summary
Scope and content Marland, John: Som, Wilts
Covering dates 3 Henry V
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1438 Greater Manchester County Record Office Assheton of Middleton
Assheton family of Middleton, Lancashire
Deeds and papers concerning the descent of the whole Estate
FILE - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT - ref. E7/5/1/24 - date: 15 Apr 1438
1) Thomas of Assheton. Kt..
2) Richard de Barton of Middleton, the elder, esq.
Witnessing: a) That (2) held a full estate in fee tail general of the lands in Thornham and Buersill Head (held for a term of years or at will by John of Wrigley and Geoffrey the Tales(ur), on the day that he enfeoffed Ralph, son of John of Assheton
b) That John of Bamford, Roger Merland, and Ellis Buckley ((1)'s feoffees to use) have an estate in fee simple in the lands which John of the Strete, Thomas Johnesson, James of the Lomehalex (Lomax), Robert of the Stokke, Roger of Smethurst, Alisander of the Wylde, Perez Madoure, Ralph Molleson, Thomas Boysome, and Henry Dronkok all held of (1) by lease or at will, unemcumbered except as specified
In the indentures before the marriage of Ralph Assheton that (1) shall divide £20 worth of land to himself and his sons, and the rest of his land in fee tail general charged with a £100 rent to Margery.
1 is sworn on a book on the day of the marriage
Witnesses: John Buron, Kt.,; John Huntyngdon, clerke, warden of Manchester; John of Cokenfield; Roger Bothe; Christopher of Hulton
Dated at Ashton Seal
1439 Greater Manchester County Record Office Assheton of Middleton
Assheton family of Middleton, Lancashire
Deeds and papers concerning the whole estate, 13th century - 1768
Deeds dated before 1500
FILE - PERPETUAL LEASE - ref. E7/7/1/5 - date: 28 May 1439
1a) John de Bamford'
1b) Roger de Marland'
1c) Ellis de Buckley
2) Richard de Barton the elder, esq
Premises: A messuage and lands in Middleton (formerly held of (1) by Roger Smethurst and Alexander Wyld), remainder to his son William and his right heirs.
Witnesses: Richard de Radcliffe, N de Radcliffe, Henry de Radcliffe, James de Radcliffe.
1439 Greater Manchester County Record Office Assheton of Middleton
Assheton family of Middleton, Lancashire
Deeds and papers concerning the whole estate, 13th century - 1768
Deeds dated before 1500
FILE - DEMISE - ref. E7/7/1/4 - date: 22 May 1439
1a) John de Bamford'
1b) Roger de Marland
1c) Ellis de Buckey
2) Richard de Barton the elder, esq
Premises: All the lands which Richard Mol...son', Piotrus Mado'
Henry Browncok and Thomas de Byrome hold of (1)
In the vill of Middleton for (2)'s life and after his death
Should stay with (2)'s son Richard and his heirs
Witnesses: Richard de Radcliffe, Henry de Radcliffe, James de Radcliffe.
1450 - 1550 The National Archives, Kew Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Answers etc, before 1660 C 4/76/194
Thomas Marland v. Robert Waterson: answer
1466 The National Archives Chancery: Certificates of Statute Merchant and Statute Staple C 241/250/33
Debtor: Thomas Hoo of Roffey in [Horsham] Sussex, esquire. Creditor: Henry Danvers, citizen and mercer [merchant] of London, and Henry Merland, gentleman. Amount: £350 Before whom: Geoffrey Fielding, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster. When taken: 14/
1479/80 Worcestershire Record Office Berrington Collection [705:24/1 - 705:24/899]
Berrington family of Malvern, Worcestershire
FILE - [no title] - ref. 705:24/806 - date: 24 March [1479/80]
Parchment. 11½" x 6"
Indenture between John Holgrave, gent., and John Ismonger of Wanton [?Walton], Surrey, husbondman, being a declaration that a conveyance dated 18 March, 20 Edw. IV [1479/80] from the said John Ismonger and Henry Marland, gent., to the said John Holgrave, Thomas Wyndesore, Esq., John Grene, Esq., and William Merston, Esq., of lands, tenements and appurtenances was by mortgage. 24 March, 20 Edw. IV. Seal - missing.
1486 - 1515 The National Archives Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary C 1/154/7
John Padyngton v. Richard Merland, gentleman, feoffee to uses.: Refusal to complete the sale of a messuage in St. Mary Magdalen's, Milk Street, to Nicholas Alwyn of London, mercer.: London. . Chancery pleadings addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury

1486-1493, or 1504-1515 The National Archives, Kew Item details C 1/160/53
Context : quick reference
C Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions
Division within C Records of Equity Side: the Six Clerks
C 1 Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary
C 1/160 Chancery pleadings addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury as Lord Chancellor [John Morton 1486-1493 or William Warham 1504-1515]. Detailed descriptions at item level
Record Summary
Scope and content Robert Shirbourne, dean of St. Paul's, John North, and others. v. Richard Marland, gentleman.: Detention of deeds relating to a messuage and land in Chertsey.: Surrey.
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1493 - 1500 The National Archives Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary C 1/192/1
Alexander, son and heir of John Charlwode. v. Richard Merland, gentleman, John Richebell, Richard Colcok, and William Richebell, feoffees to uses.: Lands and tenements in Banstead, Chipstead, Horley, and Horne.: Surrey.
1494 - 1495 The National Archives Exchequer: Augmentation Office: Ancient Deeds, Series B E 326/3480
Grant by John Abell of Chabham, gentleman, Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Manory, son and heir of John Manory, late of Chertesey, to Richard Merland Thomas Manory of Asshe, Robert Parys, Thomas Purvoche, Walter Crwmwell and Henry Wykes, of a tenement wit
1497 The National Archives, Kew Piece details E 326/903
Context : quick reference
E Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentations
Division within E Records of the Court of Augmentations and the Augmentation Office
E 326 Exchequer: Augmentation Office: Ancient Deeds, Series B
Record Summary
Scope and content Release by Peter Manory, late of Chertesey co. Surrey, son of William Manory, to Richard Marland, of his right in a tenement with a garden in the vill of Chertesey. Surrey
Covering dates 21 February, 12 Henry VII
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
Note Fragment of seal
1500 - 1501 The National Archives Exchequer: Augmentation Office: Ancient Deeds, Series B E 326/904
Grant by Thomas Manory, son and heir of John Manory of Chertesey, to Richard Merland, Thomas Purvoche and Henry Wykes, of lands, tenements, &c., called 'Botlesepark' in the parish of Chertesey. Surrey . Grant by Thomas Manory, son and heir of John Manory
1503 London Metropolitan Archives Wood Family
Wood family
THE MANOR OF LITTLETON (Gilbert Lambell's Title Deeds)
FILE - Quitclaim - ref. ACC/0928/001/11 - date: [1503]
Seals missing.
1. Thomas Eliott of Litelton
2. Ric. Merland, gent., Henry Bowner and Ric. Over
All his claim to a toft with a garden in Litelton and in 13a. land and meadow in common fields of Litelton, lying in Wylde Ferssyn, Le Riell, Midforlond 14 Akers, Brokfrolonge, Dunstalles in Suthfolde, Midforlonge in Suthfelde Polemede, Bottpole, Aschewell Mede, Le Sande Dune, Mongefelde, Le Stones.
1504 - 1505 The National Archives Exchequer: Augmentation Office: Ancient Deeds, Series B E 326/907
which he together with Richard Merland, Thomas Manory, of Aisshe, Robert Parys, Thomas Purvoche and Walter Crumwell had held to the use of him the said Henry Wykes. He further granted to the above named John Bryde and others his field called 'Burtes Croftes'
Date range: 1504 - 1505.
1509 - 1547 The National Archives Court of Star Chamber: Proceedings, Henry VIII STAC 2/19/113
PLAINTIFF: William Humphrey DEFENDANT: Richard Merland, William Taillour, and William Storer PLACE OR SUBJECT: Land in Lingfield belonging to plaintiff's late father COUNTY: Surrey . PLAINTIFF: William Humphrey DEFENDANT: Richard Merland, William Taillour,
1518 - 1529 The National Archives, Kew Item details C 1/540/83
Context : quick reference
C Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions
Division within C Records of Equity Side: the Six Clerks
C 1 Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary
C 1/540 Chancery pleadings addressed to Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop of York, Cardinal and Papal Legate as Lord Chancellor. Detailed descriptions at item level
Record Summary
Scope and content John Milbourne, citizen and fuller of London. v. The sheriffs of London; William Marland, mercer, and William Carket, scrivener, both of London.: Action by the said Marland, on a bond given on behalf of William Selby, citizen and tailor of London, after undertaking that a counterbond should first be executed. Certiorari and subpoena.: London.
Covering dates 1518-1529
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1538 The National Archives, Kew Court of Augmentations: Deeds of Purchase and Exchange E 305/8/D85
Edward Marland to Henry VIII . Edward Marland to Henry VIII Court of Augmentations: Deeds of Purchase and Exchange
1538 - 1544 The National Archives Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Early Proceedings, Richard II to Philip and Mary C 1/970/32
Richard CLERK, merchant of the Staple of Calais, v. Robert TRAPPES of London, goldsmith, and Joan his wife, executrix and late the wife of William Marland.: Action on a bond for a debt whereof part had been paid and the balance acknowledged before John
1547 - 1685 The National Archives Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence E 115/266/50
Merland, William: Middlesex . Merland, William: Middlesex Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence
1558 - 1649 The National Archives Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Country Depositions, Series I C 21/E10/7
Ewell v. Merland . Ewell v. Merland Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Country Depositions, Series I
1565 - 1566 The National Archives Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II DL 4/8/7
Holt v. Marland: Spotland: Lancs. . Holt v. Marland: Spotland: Lancs. DEPOSITIONS Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II
1565 - 1566 The National Archives, Kew Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II DL 4/8/14
marland v. Holt: Spotland: Lancs. . marland v. Holt: Spotland: Lancs. DEPOSITIONS Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II The National Archives, Kew
Context : quick reference
DL Records of the Duchy of Lancaster
Division within DL Records of the Court of Duchy Chamber
DL 4 Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II
Subseries within DL 4 DEPOSITIONS
Record Summary
Scope and content marland v. Holt: Spotland: Lancs.
Covering dates 8 Elizabeth
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1585 The National Archives, Kew Manchester University, John Rylands Library: Crutchley Muniments
Coke family of Longford, Derbyshire and Holkham, Norfolk
FILE - [no title] - ref. CRU/668 - date: 1 May 1585
Indenture of covenants between Thomas Marland and Miles Marland, both of Assheton under Lyme, co. Lane., yeoman, of the one part, and Alexander Reddysshe of Reddysshe, esq., of the other, for a conveyance to Robert Cheyton and Renald Nycolson, both of Reddyshe, husbandmen, of two messuages with appurtenances in Reddyshe.
Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II DL 4/54/2
Tailor, Brereley and others v. Radcliff:Marland:Lancaster . Tailor, Brereley and others v. Radcliff:Marland:Lancaster DEPOSITIONS Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II
1592-1597 West Sussex Record Office Chichester Diocese Episcopal Records [Ep/I/10 - Ep/I/19]
The Diocese and Archdeaconry of Chichester
FILE - DEPOSITION BOOK - ref. Ep/I/11/7 - date: July 1592-May 1597
182 ff
f66v. Dep. Elizabeth Marland alias Saunders, wife of John Marland of Boxgrove. Lived Boxgrove 4 years. Before lived Littlehampton 1 year. Born Bury. Age 33. Wit.mk.


The National Archives, Kew Piece details C 2/Eliz/D7/5
Context : quick reference
C Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions
Division within C Records of Equity Side: the Six Clerks
C 2 Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings, Series I, Elizabeth I to Charles I
Subseries within C 2 Elizabeth I
Subsubseries within C 2 D plaintiffs
Record Summary
Scope and content William Dokenfeild v John Marlande. Deeds in support of plaintiff's claim by purchase. Lands in Reddish, Lancashire, purchased by plaintiff of Thomas Marland.
Short title: Dokenfeild v Marland
Covering dates Between 1558 and 1603
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1603-1625 The National Archives Piece details STAC 8/277/23
Context : quick reference
STAC Records of the Court of Star Chamber and of other courts
STAC 8 Court of Star Chamber: Proceedings, James I
Record Summary
Scope and content Tuder and Radclyffe v. Radclyffe, Collins, Marland, Tayler, Sparke(s) and others: Lancaster.
Covering dates 04/03/1603-27/03/1625
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1607 - 1609 The National Archives State Papers Domestic: Supplementary SP 46/62/fo 28
Accounts [extracted from a book]: money to be had by John Duppa of Hereford, William Felps of Tewyberys, Gloucs., and Thomas Gummond, servant to Sir Henry Marland; money owed by William Batwell of Silton, Dorset, and John King of Wamstroe, Somerset. 1607.
1614 - 1615 The National Archives Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II DL 4/63/46
Marland v Boothe: Ashton under Lyne: Lancs . Marland v Boothe: Ashton under Lyne: Lancs Depositions Duchy of Lancaster: Court of Duchy Chamber: Pleadings, Depositions and Examinations, Series II
1617/18 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QDB - QDH]
Deeds of bargain and sale
FILE - ROLL 26 - ref. QDD/26 - [n.d.]
item: James Marland of Marland, gent., to Charles Chadwicke, clerk, Doctor of Divinity and parson of Woddam Ferries, co. Essex. -- Spotland - ref. QDD/26/m4 - date: 22 January 1617/18
1625 Cheshire and Chester Archives and Local Studies Service Consistory Court
Church of England, Cheshire Diocese, Consistory Court
CONSISTORY COURT PAPERS *access may be restricted
FILE - 1625 - [no ref. or date]
21. ASHTON UNDER LYNE Henry Fairfax rector c Wm Marland for tithe of 3d for looms, at least 1d per loom and cows - libel.
1626 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QDB - QDH]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Deeds of bargain and sale
FILE - ROLL 34 - ref. QDD/34 - [n.d.]
item: George Bardsley of Hurste in Ashton under Line, cordwainer, to Myles Marland of the same, maltman. -- Hurst in Culcheth - ref. QDD/34/m4 - date: 20 April 1626
1626/7 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/1 - QSB/1/50]
Recognizance rolls
Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Epiphany, 1626/7
FILE - Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Epiphany, 1626/7xxx - ref. QSB/1/19 - date: 1626/7
item: ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE -- Anne Rogerson, spinster, bastardy with Nicholas Marland - ref. QSB/1/19/98 - date: 1626/7

1628/9 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QDB - QDH]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Deeds of bargain and sale
FILE - ROLL 36 - ref. QDD/36 - [n.d.]
item: Thomas Ashton of Shepley in Ashton under Laine, yeoman, to Thomas, son of William Marland of the Hurste in Ashton under Laine, yeoman, -- Reddish - ref. QDD/36/F35 - date: 18 February 1628/9
1630 Manchester University: John Rylands Library Manchester University, John Rylands Library: Clowes Deeds
Clowes Deeds Catalogue in Full
Clowes family of Broughton, Lancashire
Chetham family of Crumpsall, Lancashire
FILE - [no title] - ref. CLD/61 - date: 1630
Surrender by James Marland, yeoman, Richard Brearley, yeoman, Richard Brearley his son, James Tayler, yeoman, all of Marland, and nineteen others, to Robert Holte of Stubley, esq., of messuages, etc. in their holding in Marland and Castleton. Aug. 3, 1630. O.n. 19.
1630/1 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/51 - QSB/1/100]
Recognizance rolls
Manchester, Epiphany
FILE - Manchester, Epiphanyxxx - ref. QSB/1/83 - date: 1630/1
item: ASHTON-under-LYNE -- bastardy of George Marland & Jane Smyth - ref. QSB/1/83/41 - date: 1630/1

1631 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/51 - QSB/1/100]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Recognizance rolls
Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Michaelmas, 1631
FILE - Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Michaelmas, 1631xxx - ref. QSB/1/95 - date: 1631
item: ASHTON-under-LYNE -- Jane Marland, spinster, bastardy with Samuel Wild - ref. QSB/1/95/31 - date: 1631

1635 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/151 - QSB/1/200]
Recognizance rolls
Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Midsummer, 1635
FILE - Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Midsummer, 1635xxx - ref. QSB/1/155 - date: 1635
item: AUDENSHAW -- Robert Stansfeild, husbandman, bastardy on Alice Marland of Ashton-under-Lyne - ref. QSB/1/155/113 - date: 1635
1635 Lancashire Record Office The Hopwood Manuscripts
Hopwood family of Hopwood
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDHP 20/27 - date: 1 May, 1635
Lease for 3 lives at 10/- rent: for £24: Robert Tetlow of Wernith, gent., to William Marland of Ouldham, yeoman -- messuage, and closes called Daysee Field, Great Meadow, Long Meadow, Little Meadow, Croft, and Intacke, in Ouldham -- for lives of W.M., and Rodger and Martha his children. Witn: John Tetlowe, John Tetlow, Raphe Makane.
1635 Lancashire Record Office The Hopwood Manuscripts
The Hopwood Manuscripts Catalogue in Full
Hopwood family of Hopwood
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDHP 20/31 - date: 15 Sep. 1635
Conveyance: for £2400: Robert Tetlowe of the Chamberhall, and William Horton of Berkeslande, co. York, gents., to George Wood of Growby, co. Leicester, and John Wood of London, gents. -- properties (very detailed) in Wernith, Oldham, and Greenacres, with manors of Werneth and Oldham -- Witn: John Tetlowe, Phillip Osborne, John Dawson, Rog. Rogersonn, Gerard Simkin, John Gleddill, William Horton, William Marland, Alexander Mylles. Heraldic Seal.
1635 Lancashire Record Office The Hopwood Manuscripts
Hopwood family of Hopwood
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDHP 20/28 - date: 1 May, 1635
Lease for 3 lives at 1/- rent: for £5: Robert Tetlowe of Werneth, gent., to Edmund Tetlowe cf par. Ouldham, tradesman -- cottage, garden, and little croft (1r.), in par. Ouldham -- for lives of E.T., Mary his wife, and Thomas his son. Witn: John Tetlowe, William Marland.
1635 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/151 - QSB/1/200]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Recognizance rolls
Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Midsummer, 1635
FILE - Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Midsummer, 1635xxx - ref. QSB/1/155 - date: 1635
item: AUDENSHAW -- maintenance order to Robert Stansfeild the younger and Alice Marland - ref. QSB/1/155/114 - date: 1635
1636/6 Lancashire Record Office The Hopwood Manuscripts
Hopwood family of Hopwood
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDHP 20/32 - date: 2 Mar. 1636/6
Attornment: Richard Street, Ellen Hulton, Raph Sonndiforth, James Whittacre, Edmund Sonndiforth, Edmund Tetlowe, Edmund Chadwick, Robert Thorpe, James Sonndiforth, Margaret Whittacre, John Ogden, John Sonndiforth, Thomas Winterbothume, John Dunkerley, John Hollinworth, William Marland, Edward Buckley, John Stringer, Adam Woolfenden, John Woolfenden, Alice Cashe, widow, Elizabeth Wyld, widow, James Scoales, James Clough, Anne Whittle, John Whitehead, John Cowper, Henrie Winterbothom, Edmund Tetlowe, John Dunckerley, Jane Hathershawe, widow, Susan Cowper, widow, Thomas Jackson, Gilbert Onwyn, William Jackson, Henrie Whittacker, John Tetlowe, Israell Buckley, Margarett Beswick, widow, John Tetlowe, and Joseph Smith -- pursuant to DDHP 20/31.
1637 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire Record Office: Butterworth, Greave, Buckley and Other Miscellaneous Family Deeds
Butterworth, Greave and Buckley family deeds (mainly Milnrow, Butterworth and Hundersfield)
Little Haworth (Hundersfield)
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDX 811/26 - date: 20 Sep 1637 (13 Charles 1)
Inquisition post mortem held at Bolton le Moors, on William
Butterworth of Little Haworth, gent; states that he owned the following properties:
a) 2 messuages, 1 cottage, 10 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture and 1 acre of wood in Little Haworth and Hundersfield, worth 20s per annum
b) 1 messuage, 2 cottages and 16 acres of land in Wardleworth, worth 10s per annum
c) 1 messuage, 1 cottage and 7 acres of land in Butterworth Hall and Mylnerow in Butterworth, worth 6s 8d per annum
d) 2 messuages and 24 acres of land in Buerdsall and Buerdsall More in Castleton, worth 20 s per annum
Mentions marriage settlement of 21 Feb 1627/8 between Michael B, younger son of WB, and Margaret Marland, elder daughter of James Marland of Marland, ?yeoman, whereby WB conveyed to Richard Entwisley and Samuel Hamer, gents, and John Lord and Edmund Butterworth of Dewhurst, yeomen, his property in Butterworth, Buerdsall, Castleton and Wardleworth [presumably properties 'b-d' above] for the use of WB and then of Michael B; also mentions indenture of 23 Apr 1628 [see DDX 811/25a-c] concerning Little Haworth [property 'a' above]; and states that WB died on 22 Mar 1636/7 at which time his son and heir Edmund was aged 40
1640/1 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions [QSB/1/201 - QSB/1/250]
Recognizance rolls
Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Epiphany, 1640/1
FILE - Recognizance Roll: Manchester, Epiphany, 1640/1xxx - ref. QSB/1/243 - date: 1640/1
item: ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE & DUKINFIELD, co.Chester -- order in bastardy of Alice Marland and Robert Cooke, husbandman - ref. QSB/1/243/30 - date: 1640/1

1652 The National Archives, Kew Item details SP 46/114/fo 26
Context : quick reference
SP Records assembled by the State Paper Office, including papers of the Secretaries of State up to 1782
Division within SP State Papers Domestic, Subject and Miscellaneous
SP 46 State Papers Domestic: Supplementary
Subseries within SP 46 ADMIRALTY
SP 46/114 Papers of the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy. [All letters are to the Commissioners unless otherwise stated]. Described at item level
Record Summary
Scope and content Certificate of Edmund Chapman, supporting the petition of John Marland for a master gunner's place. 16 June 1652.
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1662 Greater Manchester County Record Office Papers of the Hulton-Harropp Family of Ashton under Lyne
Papers of Bardsley Estate, Ashton Under Lyne
FILE - AWARD OF ARBITRATION - ref. E/HULT/9/2 - date: 20 Aug 1662
Of John Sandiforth, Ralph Hall, John Marland, John Chadwick, William Leech and John Leech
Concerning dispute between John Lees of Althill, Ashton, Yeo (on behalf of Rt Hon George Lord Delamer of Dunham Massie) and Isaack Dehow of Bardsley over boundary dispute
1666 The National Archive Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings before 1714, Bridges C 5/619/177
Merland v. Thorpe: York. . Merland v. Thorpe: York. Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings before 1714, Bridges
1671 Lancashire Record Office Miscellaneous legal documents
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDX 3/19 - date: 13 Jun. 1671
Release: for 10/-: George, Lord Delamar, Baron of Dunham Massey, & his brother Nathaniel Booth of Mottram St. Andrew, co. Chester, esq. to Sir James Langham of Cottesbrooke, co. Northampton, bart. -- the barony, manor, fee, seignory, & lordship of Warrington alias Werrington; the towns, villages, or hamlets of Orford alias Overford; the manor or lordship of Ashton underline; Arpley with Hooley; messuages in Ashton Underline, Ashton Towne, Audenshaw, Mooreside, Little Mosse, Waterhouses, Woodhouses, Knottlanes & Parke, Alt, Althill, Lees, Crossebanke, Broadcarre, High Knowles, Harrshead, Smalshaw cum Hurst, Moseley, Luzeley, Ridghill cum Lanes, & Manchester, except 14 messuages in Ashton Underline (formerly settled by Sir George Booth, bart. decd., grandfather of Lord Delamar, on Sir John B. for life) in the tenure of Nicholas Walker(14a), John Helton(20a), John Winterbottom(20a), John Boardman(48a), John Taylor(46a), William Williamson(16a), Edmund Lees Doak(36a), William Lees(56a), Ellen Hayward(6a), Joseph Lees(24a), William Stoppord(20a), John Marland(18a), Henry Hopkin(33a), Elizabeth Wright(33a); also excepting messuages of John Sandford alias Sowndiford called the High Ash, Mr. Booths, Carringtons, & Hugh Smiths; also excepting messuage of William Picton(30a) -- Witn: William Brereton, H. Lucy, Robert Clayton, John Morris, W. Andrewes, Peter Clayton. Heraldic seal.
1682 Manchester Cathedral Archives The Records of Manchester Cathedral [Mancath/2/A]
The Capitular Records of Manchester Cathedral
Records of the Chapter Estates
Title deeds and other property-related papers
Title deeds and other related papers for the Deansgate Area
Deeds relating to John Herd's messuage converted into several dwellings on Deansgate
FILE - Counterpart Lease by indenture of John Herd's Messuage on Deansgate - ref. Mancath/2/A/1/Dgate/11/1 - date: 3 Feb 1682
Severely water damaged. Extremely Fragile and illegible in parts.
From: Nicholas Stratford, Warden, and Fellows of the College To: John Herd of Manchester, Chandler 1 messuage in Deansgate lately converted into several dwellings and now or late in the holding of the said John Herd and of John Unsworth, Jonathan Ellem, James Boardman, John Carrington and Mary Marland. Consideration: a valuable sum of money Term: 21 years Rent: 7(?)s (water damaged) Conditions: right of distraint if rent 20 days late. Tenant not to alien any of the property and to maintain property at his own expense. Signed: John Herd. Seal: Missing Witnesses on dorse: Nathan Leech, Nathan Leech the Younger and Richard Radley
1688 Manchester Cathedral Archives, Chetham's Library The Records of Manchester Cathedral [Mancath/2/A]
The Capitular Records of Manchester Cathedral
Records of the Chapter Estates
Title deeds and other property-related papers
Title deeds and other related papers for the Deansgate Area
Deeds relating to John Herd's messuage converted into several dwellings on Deansgate
FILE - Lease by indenture of John Herd's Messuage on Deansgate - ref. Mancath/2/A/1/Dgate/11/2 - date: 7 Apr 1688
From: Richard Wroe, Warden, and Fellows of the College To: John Herd of Manchester, Chandler 1 messuage in Deansgate lately converted into several dwellings and now or late in the holding of the said John Herd and of John Unseworth, Jonathan Ellem, James Boardman, John Carrington and Mary Marland. Consideration: a valuable sum of money Term: 21 years Rent: 7s per annum at Christmas Conditions: right of distraint if rent 20 days late. Tenant not to alien any of the property and to maintain property at his own expense. Signed: George Ogden, Richard Wroe, Warden, and Richard Warburton, Fellow. Seal: Missing Witnesses on dorse: Nathan Leech the Younger, John Newton and Richard Radley
1700 Nottinghamshire Archives Portland of Welbeck (1st Deposit): Deeds and Estate Papers [DD/P/1 - DD/P/37]
Cavendish family, Dukes of Newcastle upon Tyne
Mansfield Manor Court
A Bundle labelled "Holles Deeds".
FILE - [no title] - ref. 157 DD/P/17/148/a-b - date: 10, 11 Dec. 1700
Lease and Release: further to DD/P/17/147: (i) Elizabeth Pinckney senr. widow, her son Leonard and daughter Elizabeth junr. (as DD/P/17/144) (ii) Robert Fisher of the Grange, near Grantham, co. Lincs, esq., Robert Cul epper of London, gent. and Sampson Eastwicke of Christe church College, Oxford (iii) Robert Playdell and Philip Shepherd (as DD/P/17/145) (iv) John, Duke of Newcastle: for £2,070 to Robert Playdell and for £1,889.2.6 to Elizabeth Pinckney, senr. by the Duke -- property as DD/P/17/144. Also copyhold messuage in which Elizabeth Pinckney lately dwelt, the freehold part of a little house called Grinders house and croft and of the Ould Mill Close and of the Bowling Alley close alias the Nabbs; 2 pieces of assart land in the Forest Field, all in Mansfield Woodhouse. Parcel in Mansfield, Copyhold property in Mansfield, i.e. Grinders house and croft, the Old Mill Close, the 2 Wakehill Closes the Churchyard Close, the Ruffe Close, the Yeoman Hills Close, the Bowling Alley Close, all in Mansfield Woodhouse and parcel in Mansfield. Scheduled goods and chattels in the copyhold messuage at Mansfield --: Witn. Will Jesop, Rob. Brereton, Geo Marland, Eliz. Pinckney, J. Heale, Jos. Astley, Henry Scrope, Wm. Alyson, Samll. Uroine, Theop. Brereton, Ricd. Blake.
1700 - 1702 The National Archives Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission E 134/12&13Wm3/Hil23
Hembro', Emanuel Smith, Henry Cooke, Ann Hanson, Robert Laverack, Humphrey Beaumont, William Bradley, Edmund Wright, Isaac Hudson, Francis Thompson, Nich. {Nicholas?} Fish, James Marland, Robert Beaumont, Richard Robinson, Thomas Bridges, Thomas Crabtree,
1701 The National Archives, Kew Piece details E 134/12Wm3/Mich39
Context : quick reference
E Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentations
Division within E Records of the King's Remembrancer
E 134 Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission
Subseries within E 134 William III
Record Summary
Scope and content Thomas Simpson, Thomas Hill, William Cooper, Ann Wilby, Thomas Rude, Richard Lane, Richard Goodridge, Samuel Waite, William Gamble, Elizabeth Gamble, Robert Hill, Richard Carter, Dory Mitchell, Samuel Kemp, William Hudson, Ozeriah Williams, John Gray, Elizabeth Coode, William Mallington, John Dale, John Padley, Thomas Bladworth jun., John West, Daniel Chantree, John Hall, clerk, Henry Nevile, William Golton, Elizabeth Womersley, John Lee, William Clarke, John Lee jun., Thomas Fairbourne, William Hague, William Crabtree, Thomas Petty, sen., Michael England, Mark Ellis, Thomas Chilletoe, John Waite, jun, George Goodridge, Nicholas Fish, Thomas Parkin, John Stephenson, Richard Gamble, Samuel Hoyle, Ann Doughty, Joseph Laverack, Joseph Laverack, John Cass, Richard Crabtree, Thomas Petty, tanner, George Hembrough, Thomas Smith, John Retford, Robert Laverack, Hastings Maplebeck, Benjamin Dodds, William Sugden, Francis Reynold, Henry Winstendale, George Wright, Isaac Hudson, Richard Kendall, Matthew Watson, James France, Thomas Crabtree, Joseph Hawton, John Wilkinson, James Watkin, Ann Handson, Thomas Bridges, Emanuel Smith, Jacob Coode, John Rodford, James Marland, Robert Beaumont, Edmund Wright, Henry Facam, Francis Thompson, Humphrey Beaumont, John Taffin, Richard Jackson, Margaret Pearson, Richard Robinson, John Smith, William Millman, Robert Scothorpe, Richard Beaumont, Henry Cooke, William Huscroft, Joseph Beaumont.
v. John Harvey, Daniel Hoyland, John Hatfield, Peter Prym, William Simpson, Michael Warton, Henry Wood, William Appleyard, Christian Middlebrooke, Edward Canby, Abraham Prym, Edward Foster.
"The Great Levell or Dykes Marsh," on the south-east side of the towns of Fishlake and Sykehouse and the river of Dun. Lands belonging to Sir Cornelius Vermuyden and to the"Participants," i.e. those who assisted in the draining of said level. Annual payments made to said participants. Repair of the banks of said level near Fishlake and Sykehouse since the draining of said marsh by said Sir Cornelius.
Draining of Great Level: Yorkshire

Covering Date: 12 William III

1702 Manchester Cathedral Archives The Records of Manchester Cathedral [Mancath/2/A]
The Capitular Records of Manchester Cathedral
Records of the Chapter Estates
Title deeds and other property-related papers
Title deeds and other related papers for the Deansgate Area
Deeds relating to John Herd's messuage converted into several dwellings on Deansgate
FILE - Lease by indenture of John Herd's Messuage on Deansgate - ref. Mancath/2/A/1/Dgate/11/3 - date: 11 Apr 1702
From: Richard Wroe, Warden, and Fellows of the College To: Mary Herd of Manchester, Widow 1 messuage in Deansgate lately converted into several dwellings and now or late in the holding of the said Mary Herd and of John Unsworth, Jonathan Ellam, James Boardman, John Carrington and Mary Marland. Consideration: a valuable sum of money Term: 21 years Rent: 7s per annum at Christmas and the feast of the Birth of St John Conditions: right of distraint if rent 20 days late. Tenant not to alien any of the property and to maintain property at her own expense. Signed: George Ogden,Fellow, Richard Wroe, Warden, and John Hinde, Fellow. Seal: Missing Witnesses on dorse: Abraham Taylor, Edward Ashley, Jeremy Bancroft.
1702/3 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 817-905]
Manchester, Epiphany, 1702/3.
FILE - Ashton-under-Lyne -- bastardy of Esther Marland of Woodparke and William Stockport of Waterhouses. - ref. QSP/889/38 - date: c1702/3
1703 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 817-905]
Manchester, Easter, 1703.
FILE - Ashton-under-Lyne -- bastardy of Esther Marland of Wood Parke and William Stockport of Waterhouse, husbandman. - ref. QSP/893/17 - date: c1703
1703 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 817-905]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Manchester, Midsummer 1703.
FILE - Ashton-under-Lyne -- maintenance of bastard of Esther Marland. - ref. QSP/897/21 - date: c1703
1712 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire Record Office: Balderstone Mill, Castleton, etc
Bundle 1 (B) relating to hereditaments at Balderstone purchased by Timothy Whitehead from Samuel Cheetham
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDX 402/12 - date: 25 Aug. 1712
Deed of covenants to levy a fine: (i) James Holte of Castleton, esq., and Dorothea his wife, and (ii) Rev. William Assheton of Deane, B.D., and Roger Nowell of Read, esq. -- manors of Castleton, Marland and Naden, Castleton Hall with messuages in Castleton, Marland and Balderstone, Spotland and Naden -- to provide annuity of £400 to D.H. during widowhood
1731 Northamptonshire Record Office Ellesmere (Brackley) Collection
Miscellaneous Estate Papers, Deeds and Correspondence
Title deeds and papers of an estate in and near Tyldesley 1300-1, 1520, 1565-1810
FILE - [no title] - ref. E(B) 833 - date: 13 July 1731
Articles of Agreement
(1) Jacob Marland of Tildesley gent and
(2) Samuel Clowes of Manchester gent
For £580 (1) to convey to (2)
Free from incumbrances except rent charge of £50 p.a. and chief rent of 2s. p.a.
Chaddock Hall in Tildesley and demesne lands, messuage called Olivers alias Thomasons and 7 cottages in Tildesley
1731 Northamptonshire Record Office Ellesmere (Brackley) Collection
Egerton family of Brackley, Northamptonshire
Miscellaneous Estate Papers, Deeds and Correspondence
Title deeds and papers of an estate in and near Tyldesley 1300-1, 1520, 1565-1810
FILE - [no title] - ref. E(B) 836 - date: September 1731
Draft conveyance
(1) Jacob Marland of Chaddocke within Tildesley gent and Grace his wife only daughter and heir of Thomas Chaddocke late of Chaddocke, clerk, decd.
(2) Samuel Clowes of Manchester, merchant
Whereas (2) in seised of rent charge of £50 p.a. and also mortgagee for £100 and interest of (1), (1) for £580 releases to (2) Chaddocke Hall &c. &c.
1752 The National Archives Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings 1714 to 1758 C 11/588/26
Jenks v. Marland . Jenks v. Marland Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings 1714 to 1758 Winter Division
1757 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 1723-1818]
Ormskirk: Easter 1757
FILE - Tyldesley with Shakerley to Ashton under Lyne. Order for removal of Anne Marland, widow, and Thomas, Joseph, Mary and Hannah her children - ref. QSP/1745/32 - date: 1757 24 Mar

1759 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 1723-1818]
Manchester Michaelmas 1759
FILE - Manchester to Openshaw. Order for removal of Jonathan Marland, Mary his wife, and Joshua, James, Betty and Hannah their children - ref. QSP/1786/23 - date: 1759 7 Jul
1779 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2060-2138]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Wigan: Epiphany 1779
FILE - Tyldesley with Shakerley. Order of filiation and maintenance of Betty, bastard daughter of John Marland of Pennington, weaver, and Betty Buckley, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2093/64 - date: 1778 9 Dec
1781 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2060-2138]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Wigan: Epiphany 1781
FILE - Tyldesley with Shakerley. Order of filiation and maintenance of John, bastard child of John Marland, weaver, and Betty Buckley, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2125/54 - date: 1780 22 Nov
1782-1793 Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office The Marquis of Ailesbury
Savernake Forest Estate
FILE - [no title] - ref. 1300/3932-3943 - date: 1782-1793
Correspondence of Thomas Earl of Ailesbury with Sir Edward Ernle (wood for repairs to house at Brimslade); Charles Bill (Dame Widley's pension); Bishop of Salisbury (apology for not attending him at Marlborough, with list of servants confirmed, 28th July, 1783); Mr. Marland (estate business in Yorkshire); Duchess of Ancaster (praise of Lord Bruce); Commissioners of Salt Office (on belhalf of Mr. Wells); Louise Countess of Albany, Princess Stolberg [widow of Prince Charles Edward and descendant of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury and Elgin: see 1300/2734-2743]; Lord Bruce, M.P.
1787 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2203-2282]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Ormskirk: Midsummer 1787
FILE - Hindley. Order of filiation and maintenance of Fanny, bastard child of John Marland of Bedford, weaver, and Betty Aston, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2229/53 - date: 1787 20 Apr
1802 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2460-2491]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Manchester: Michaelmas 1802
FILE - Report of Nathaniel Milne on case brought by George Marland against Samuel Stopford and John Bradley referred to him at Quarter Sessions - ref. QSP/2475/39 - date: 1802 15 Oct
1805 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2492-2523]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford Michaelmas 1805
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Alice Marland - ref. QSP/2523/67 - date: c1805
1809 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2556-2587]
Manchester: Midsummer 1809
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Alice Marland - ref. QSP/2583/82 - date: c1809
1810 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2588-2619]
Salford: Epiphany 1810
FILE - Deposition: Examination of the above Esther Marland, regarding her settlement (attached to QSP 2591/37) - ref. QSP/2591/38 - date: 1809 26 Oct
1810 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2588-2619]
Salford: Epiphany 1810
FILE - Notice of adjudication of settlement of Esther Marland, member of Friendly Society at Prestwich, to be in Pendlebury - ref. QSP/2591/37 - date: 1809 26 Oct
1810 Northamptonshire Record Office Ellesmere (Brackley) Collection
Egerton family of Brackley, Northamptonshire
Miscellaneous Estate Papers, Deeds and Correspondence
Title deeds and papers of an estate in and near Tyldesley 1300-1, 1520, 1565-1810
FILE - [no title] - ref. E(B) 876 - date: 1810
Draft indenture of assignment of term of 500 years
(1) Robert Markland of Ardwick in parish of Manchester, merchant and Bertie Markland of Cuerdon House esqre
Exors of John Markland late of Manch, merchant
(2) Samuel Clowes late of Broughton in parish of Manchester but now of Sprotboro' Hall, Yks, esqre
(3) Robert Haldane Bradshaw of Worsley Hall esqre
(4) Wm. Sergeant of Manchester, gent, trustee for (3)
Refers to settlement of 1 September 1727 by
(a) Miles Barret and Grace his wife and
(b) Edwd. Barrett and T. Bradshaw
Of Chaddock Hall and demesnes in Tildesley and all other their lands there. (to sell on mortgage to pay debts of T. Chaddock, decd.)
And to indenture of mortgage dated 1 October 1728 to Joseph Byrom
And to Sl. Clowes purchasing the fee simple and paying off mortgage to Joseph Byrom
And to indres of 19 February '1729' of assignment by Jacob Marland and Grace his wife to Tho. Brearcliffe and Rt. Wilson of Manchester of said term in trust for Samuel Clowes of whom (1) are now representatives
Now (1) and (2) by appointment of (3) to (4) of same (Chaddock Hall and demesnes)
1812 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2620-2635]
Salford: Michaelmas 1812
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Edward Marland - ref. QSP/2635/98 - date: c1812
1814 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2653-2672]
Salford: Michaelmas 1814
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Alice Marland - ref. QSP/2671/74 - date: c1814
1815 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2673-2692]
Wigan: Michaelmas 1815
FILE - Tyldesley with Shakerley. Order of filiation and maintenance of bastard son of Robert Clare, weaver, and Martha Marland, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2690/127 - date: 1815 17 Jun
1818 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2728-2743]
Salford: Easter 1818
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Alice Marland - ref. QSP/2734/67 - date: c1818
c1819 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2744-2759]
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Alice Marland - ref. QSP/2750/117 - date: c1819
1820 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2760-2775]
Salford: Epiphany 1820
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Joseph Marland and George Cawley - ref. QSP/2762/102 - date: c1820
1824 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2824-2839]
Salford: Easter 1824
FILE - Deposition: Information of Peter Healey of Manchester, attorney, and James Stanfield his clerk, re the prosecution brought by Henry Lees of Ashton under Lyne, against William Buckley and George Marland, indicted for non-repair of highway - ref. QSP/2830/34 - date: c1824
1824 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2824-2839]
Salford: Epiphany 1824
FILE - Hurst. Instructions for motion that William Buckley and George Marland be allowed to traverse to indictment in case for non-repair of highway - ref. QSP/2826/24 - date: c1824
1824 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2824-2839]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Easter 1824
FILE - Bill of defendants' costs on prosecution of the above William Buckley and George Marland for non-repair of highway - ref. QSP/2830/35 - date: c1824
1827-1877 Lancashire Record Office Rees of Oldham
Rees of Oldham Catalogue in Full
Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway
Notices, plans, correspondence re purchase of land for the Hollinwood Branch
FILE - Robert Marland senior - ref. DDRE 10/12 - date: c1827-1877
1829 Lancashire Record Office Shuttleworth, Dallas & Crombleholme, Solicitors of Preston
Shuttleworth, Dallas and Cromblehome, Preston, solicitors
Orders for the commutation of death sentences to transportation
FILE - [no title] - ref. DDCM 1/33 - date: 14 Apr. 1829
John Cain (wilfully stabbing with intent to do harm), Jesse Lowe (uttering a counterfeit half crown), John Mulligan (being at large before his term of transportation had expired), Matthew Jackson (breaking and entering), Thomas Richards (stealing in a dwelling house), Samuel Hudson, Richard Bell, John Poole, Thomas Marloe otherwise Thomas Marlow otherwise Thomas Marland, James Cockerham, Robert Edwards otherwise William Bleakley, John Shields otherwise John McCaffrey, John Edwards otherwise John Wilson (burglary), John Handford (highway robbery), James Spence, Peter Lythgoe, James Stubbs (horse stealing), William Wickley (sheep stealing), John Williams (forging a deed). All to New South Wales or Van Diemans Land for life except Thomas Marlow (14 years) and John Cain (7 years).
1830 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2922-2938]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Midsummer 1830
FILE - Ashton under Lyne. Order of filiation and maintenance of bastard daughter of Joseph Garside, whitesmith, and Jane Marland Williamson, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2932/88 - date: 1830 26 May
1830 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2922-2938]
Salford: Midsummer 1830
FILE - Ashton under Lyne. Instructions for motion that 'part of an order of filiation made on Joseph Garside' for past maintenance of bastard child of Jane Marland Williamson be quashed - ref. QSP/2932/44 - date: c1830
1831 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2939-2954]
Salford: Michaelmas 1831
FILE - Butterworth. Bill of costs of overseers, respondents, re appeal of Abraham Marland against bastardy order - ref. QSP/2953/33 - date: c1831
1831 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2939-2954]
Salford: Epiphany 1831
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Joseph Barber, Thomas Horsfield and Jonathan Marland - ref. QSP/2941/135 - date: c1831
1831 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2939-2954]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Michaelmas 1831
FILE - Rochdale. Order of filiation and maintenance of bastard child of Abraham Marland of Ashton under Lyne, Hatter, and Susan Mills, singlewoman - ref. QSP/2953/34 - date: 1831 29 Jul
1831 Lancashire Record Office Documents of Unknown Provenance
Documents of Unknown Provenance Catalogue in Full
The following documents relate to properties in various townships
FILE - [no title] - ref. DX 1569 - date: 1831
Lease for 21 years at £40 per year: Rev. Richard Rainshaw Rothwell, Rector of Sefton, & Richard Rainshaw Rothwell of Ribbleton, esq. to John Buckley of Marlfield in Crompton, timber merchant, John Fitton of Greenacres in Oldham, agent, & John Marland of Lees, innkeeper -- bed of coal called Greenacres or Riley Mine under the Marled Earth near Greenacres Fold in Oldham -- (Draft)
1831 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2939-2954]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Michaelmas 1831
FILE - Butterworth. Account of solicitor's fees re appeal of Abraham Marland against bastardy order - ref. QSP/2953/30 - date: c1831
1831 Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service Society of Friends (Quakers) [FR1/1/1/1 - FR2/12/2/2]
Society of Friends, Bedfordshire
Quakers, Bedfordshire
Luton and Leighton Monthly Meeting and precursors
Certificates of Friends entering MM
FILE - Certificate issued by Devonshire HD MM - ref. FR2/7/5/84 - date: 4th Jan 1831
Under signatures of John Merland, Joseph Messer, Thos Bax, Wm Hargrave (clerk)
AND Mary Peirson, clerk to Women's Meeting to Albans MM (sent to Jn Foster of Luton) Sarah Mathews Schofield
1831 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2939-2954]
Salford: Michaelmas 1831
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of John Marland and John Grafton - ref. QSP/2953/303 - date: c1831
1832 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2955-2972]
Salford: Michaelmas 1832
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Jonathan Marland - ref. QSP/2970/196 - date: c1832
1832 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2955-2972]
Salford: Easter 1832
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Jonathan Marland and Frederick Barrington - ref. QSP/2961/300 - date: c1832
1833 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 2973-2992]
Salford: Easter 1833
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Emma alias Amy Marland - ref. QSP/2980/152 - date: c1833
1843 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3187-3210]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Midsummer 1843
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of James Marland - ref. QSP/3201/38 - date: c1843
1852 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3403-3426]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Midsummer 1852
FILE - Certificate of expenses of Daniel Lees, John Marland and Sarah Hall for attendance as witnesses in case against James Windle (attached to QSP/3417/59) - ref. QSP/3417/60 - date: 1852 23 Jun
1854 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3451-3474]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Michaelmas 1854
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Thomas Marland - ref. QSP/3471/119 - date: c1854
1855 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3475-3498]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Easter 1855
FILE - Kearsley. Order of filiation and maintenance of bastard child of William Partington, blacksmith, and Ellen Marland, singlewoman - ref. QSP/3483/65 - date: 1855 1 Feb
1855 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3475-3498]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Salford: Easter 1855
FILE - Respondents' bill of costs on appeal of William Partington against order of filiation and maintenance of bastard child of Ellen Marland - ref. QSP/3483/53 - date: 1855 1 Feb
1857 Cornwall Record Office Captain Henry Thomas Verran
Verran, Henry Thomas, fl 1847-1860, Captain, mining engineer of Cornwall
FILE - [no title] - ref. X443/54 - date: 22 January, 1857
Letter from Wm. Merland re. St. Blazey Consols
1860 The National Archives Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Departments, and related bodies: Orders of Exchange of Lands under the Enclosure Acts MAF 11/99/
Haugham: H. Chaplin; The Rev. H. Marland
1869 British Library, India Office Records Accountant General's Records [IOR/L/AG/23/10/1 no.1800 - no.3499]
Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, 1784-1858
Burma Office, 1937-1948
East India Company, 1600-1858
India Office, 1858-1947
Accountant General's Records *access may be restricted
East India Company and India Office: records of the administration of service and family pension funds
Madras Military Fund
Roll of subscribers to Madras Military Fund
FILE - Roll of subscribers to Madras Military Fundxxx - ref. IOR/L/AG/23/10/1 - date: 1808-c.1939
item: RICHARDSON, Richard Hickley 1801-1851 - ref. IOR/L/AG/23/10/1 no.1847 - [n.d.]
Madras Army, b 11 May 1801, d 18 May 1851
m Mary Anne 1833 (b 1809, d 16 Aug 1863)
Catherine A b 31 Dec 1833, m 17 Feb 1859
Richard b 17 Mar 1835
Mary b 1 Mar 1837, d 2 Feb 1925
Jane Esther b 12 Sep 1846, m 5 May 1869 Middlesex to George MARLAND
1870 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3834-3857]
Preston: Intermediate February 1870
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Joshua Marland for unlawfully wounding - ref. QSP/3838/26 - date: c1870
1870 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3834-3857]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Preston: Intermediate February 1870
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of Joshua Marland for unlawfully wounding - ref. QSP/3838/25 - date:
1871 Lancashire Record Office Lancashire County Quarter Sessions Petitions [QSP 3858-3881]
Lancashire Quarter Sessions
Kirkdale: Easter 1871
FILE - Bill of costs of prosecution of James Marland for stealing gold watch and receiving same - ref. QSP/3867/107 - date: c1871
1871 - 1972 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/751/
Stelfox v Marland . Stelfox v Marland
1871 - 1972 The National Archives, Kew Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/562/
re Marland (James) deceased
1871 - 1972 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/559/
Moulson v Marland . Moulson v Marland
1871 - 1972 The National Archives, Kew Item details PL 31/566
Context : quick reference
PL Records of the Palatinate of Lancaster
Division within PL Records of the Chancery Court
PL 31 Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files
PL 31/566
Record Summary
Scope and content Marland v Marland
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
Former reference (Department) 153B
1871 - 1972 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/823/
Toy v Marland . Toy v Marland
1875 Tameside Archive Service Solicitors Accumulations. John Clayton & Sons, Ashton
John Clayton and Sons, Ashton, solicitors
FILE - Messrs Hirstle Castle and Elias Barden with Messrs John Marland and John Howe, all of Ashton - an agreement charging premises at Waterloo with the payment of £100 and interest - ref. DD164/131 - date: 31st Dec 1875
1875 Corporation of London Records Office Corporation of London [COL/SP - COL/SVD]
FILE - Improvement: Carter Lane - ref. COL/TSD/PL/01/1290 - date: 28 May 1875
Paper; pen & coloured wash
Plan shows Carter Lane between Broadway / Water Lane and St. Andrew's Hill (with street numbers shown for N side of Lane), and streets branching off Carter Lane as follows: Fleur de Lis Court, Cobbs Court, Church Entry, Friar Street, New altered to Burgon Street, Creed Lane
Scale: 1/264.
City Sewers Improvements Office
Also annotated: Tracing showing proposed improvement at Corner of Creed Lane sent to Mr. Marland, 7 Jun 1875 [nb. shows kanting of corners of 40 Carter Lane with 15 Creed Lane etc.]
1885 Tameside Archive Service Records of the Hyde Family
Records of the Hyde family Catalogue in Full
FILE - Receipt for £40 from John Marland - ref. DD90/18 - date: 19/2/1885
1888 Tameside Archive Service Solicitors Accumulations. John Clayton & Sons, Ashton Catalogue in Full
John Clayton and Sons, Ashton, solicitors
FILE - Completed Inland Revenue documents relating to the estate of Harriet Marland of Mossley, deceased - ref. DD164/157 - date: 1888
1891 The National Archives, Kew Board of Trade: Companies Registration Office: Files of Dissolved Companies BT 31/5149/34769
No. of Company: 34769; Marland North Devon Brick Company Ltd. . No. of Company: 34769; Marland North Devon Brick Company Ltd. Board of Trade: Companies Registration Office: Files of Dissolved Companies
Context : quick reference
BT Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies
Division within BT Records of the Companies Registration Office
BT 31 Board of Trade: Companies Registration Office: Files of Dissolved Companies
Record Summary
Scope and content No. of Company: 34769; Marland North Devon Brick Company Ltd.
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI Act: 30 years
1895 The National Archives, Kew Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/570/
Moss v. Marland . Moss v. Marland
1900 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/584/
re Marland Wm. decd. & S.L. Act . re Marland Wm. decd. & S.L. Act
1902 National Archives, Kew Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/456/
Jagger v. Marland . Jagger v. Marland
1904 Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service Records of Anglian Water Authority
Anglian Water Authority
Biggleswade Rural District Council
FILE - [no title] - ref. X 613/3/1 - date: 2 May 1904
7 pp
Contract for construction of mains and waterworks within Biggleswade R.D.C. between Frank Marland of Cockbrook, Ashton-under-Lyme (contractor) and the Rural District Council. Includes details of payments made to contractor from 17/5/1905 to 19/6/1908.
1905 Greater Manchester County Record Office Photographs and documents related to the Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Company at Leyland. Founded in 1870 by James Quinn
FILE - Workmen and staff at Leyland works taken outside the works in 1905. Back row, left to right: J.Blackhurst, unknown, G. Walmesley, M. Irving, J. Whittle, unknown, unknown, unknown, T. Woods, C. Marland. Third Row, left to right: A. Prince, T. Sankey, Seth Woods, unknown, W. Wareing, Mike Botton, unknown, J.T. Brierley, unknown, W. Timperley, unknown, unknown, W. Houlden, Jas Rose, Tom Rigby, John Gregson, John Rose, J. Bamber, unknown. Second row, left to right: J. Timperley, J. Blackburn, Mr Butcher, T. Smith, unknown. Front row, left to right: Fred Hunt, unknown. - ref. 1525/84 - date: 1905
Negative Sheet Number 1/N16/1
1908 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/595/
Marland v. Hughes
1915 Tameside Archive Service Manchester Regiment Collection
Manchester Regiment Collection Catalogue in Full
Manchester Regiment, 1881-1958
King's Regiment (Manchester and Liverpool), 1958-
Newspaper cuttings
Miscellaneous cuttings relating to members and ex-members of the Regiment
FILE - Littlemoss territorial, drummer A. Marland, taken prisoner by Turks - ref. MR4/B/5 - date: Oct 2 1915
1916 The National Archives, Kew Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/144/
Burton v. Marland
1917 - 1918 The National Archives Palatinate of Lancaster: Court of Chancery, Manchester District Registry: Case Files PL 31/808/
Shepherd v. Marland . Shepherd v. Marland
1918 Greater Manchester County Record Office Photographs related to cotton mills
To find out more about the archives described below, contact Greater Manchester County Record Office
FILE - Post card of Cardroom workers (11) three of them are wearing hats and holding Union Jacks. The photograph was taken at Dunburley Bros. Mill during the victory celebration of 1918. The names of the women are printed on the reverse side of the postcard - Edith Richards, Edith Hampshire, Anna Woodhead, Jane Marland, Hannah Knott, Lizzy Smith, Jane Wolkenden, Miss Tortington, Nellie Woodhead, Mrs Seddon. - ref. 881/1 - date: 1918
Negative Sheet Number P10/41
1926 Greater Manchester County Record Office Photographs related to Anne Lane, nee Towell, and family
Lane, Anne, b 1912, of St Annes on Sea, Lancashire
FILE - Handwritten character reference given to the donor by Mr Marland, the headmaster of Patricroft C. of E. School. It is stamped 25 Mar 1926. - ref. 1484/26 - date: 1926
Negative Sheet Number 1/M11/12
1939 - 1942 Moving Here Home Office: Aliens Department: Internees Index: Internees at Liberty in UK (Please note that the people listed in these records may not all be Jewish.) HO 396/59/200
Cornelia MARLAND, Date of Birt. jewish settling Home Office: Aliens Department: Internees Index: Internees at Liberty in UK (Please note that the people listed in these records may not all be Jewish.) Cornelia MARLAND, Date of Birth: 05/05/1925, Place
1966 Lancashire Record Office Kelbrook, St. Mary
Kelbrook, St. Mary Catalogue in Full
Church of England, Kelbrook St Mary Parish, West Riding of Yorkshire
Access Condition(s):
Restricted access to Parochial Church Council minute books
FILE - Marriage licence for Tom Bate and Elizabeth Ann Marland - ref. PR3443/2/18 - date: 1966
nd West Sussex Record Office The Buckle Papers Catalogue in Full
Buckle family of Banstead, Surrey
...His only son, the first Sir Christopher Buckle (1590-1660), migrated to Surrey, and acquired lands at Mitcham. In 1614 he purchased from William Merland the estate of Burrough, since called Burgh, in Banstead co. Surrey, together with the mansion house built by the Merlands in 1550 and known as Burgh House. This became the centre of the Buckle estate until the sale in 1846 to the sixth Earl of Egmont...
nd Rochdale Local Studies Library Maxim Papers
FILE - Notes on Marland Fold - ref. F8/4/MAX/166 - date: nd
nd Rochdale Local Studies Library Maxim Papers
FILE - Notes on Old Castleton, Marland and Sudden - ref. F8/4/MAX/67 - date: nd
nd Rochdale Local Studies Library Castleton Estate
3 Series
Material collected by J.L.Maxim relating to the Castleton and Marland Estates and to the reputed Manor of Castleton.
Index Term(s):
Castleton Estate, Lancashire
Muniments of Title - F/CAS/2
Records of Estate Management - F/CAS/3
Records of Household Management - F/CAS/4
nd Rochdale Local Studies Library Maxim Papers
FILE - [no title] - ref. F8/4/MAX/165 - date: nd
Section A: Notes on Sudden, past, present and future.
Section B: Notes on Sudden Brook.
Section C: Notes on Sudden Fold.
Section D: Notes on the Junction at Sudden.
Section E: Annals of Marland, Sudden, Brimrod and Castleton.
Section F: Notes on a tour within a mile of Sudden Bridge.
nd Rochdale Local Studies Library Maxim Papers
FILE - Notes on Marland, Castleton and Sudden - ref. F8/4/MAX/164 - date: nd
nd Greater Manchester County Record Office Family photographs relating to Amy Graham
Graham, A, Mrs, fl 1980
FILE - The Bullock family on a weeks holiday at Blackpool. Back row, left to right: Esther Ann Bullock (father's sister), Florence (father's sister), Alice Gee (donor's friend), unknown man, cousin Jessie, unknown man, cousin Annie Cash (Esther Ann's daughter), Uncle Fred, Pattie (Fred's wife and father's sister), unknown lady, Frances and Jim Yates, unknown lady, unknown lady, unknown man. Front row, left to right: Jeanie (father's sister), cousin Florence (Jeanie's daughter), cousin George Bullock, Alice Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. Marland (father's sister), cousin Bob, unknown lady, Grandma Bullock, Frank Bradbury (Alice's brother who married donor's cousin), donor, Mr. Bullock (donor's father), Florence (donor's sister). The man and child crouching in the front are unknown. The man and woman behind Florence and Mr. Bullock are not identified, neither is the woman in the doorway nor the young boy on cousin Bob's lap. - ref. 1101/24 - date: No Date
Negative Sheet Number W33/10

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Edited: 18 December 2015