The Marland Family


Will of William Marland of London cook 1531



  In the name of god amen The xxviijth day of May in the yere of oure lord god ml vc xxxjh and
in the xxiiijth yere of the Reigne of oure sovrayngne lord kyng henrey the viijth I William Marland Citezen Coke
of london beyng hole of memory and in goode mynde laude and preyse be unto almyghty god make
ordeyn amd declare thys my prsent Testament and last wyll in maner and forme folowyng Fyrste
I comende my soule unto almyghty god and my body to be buryed at suche place where yt shall fortune
me to discesse and the funeralls to be be don by the discression of myne executrix hereunder wrytten
Itm I will that myne executrix shall distribute and geve to xiij pore men xiij grotes in money
The Resydew of all myne goods detts and Catalls (my detts whyche of Ryght I owe truly
contentyd and payed) I holly freely and fully gyve and bequethe unto Mrgaret Marland my
welbelovyd wyfe To be had unto her and her executors and assignes forevr she therwyth to do and
dispose her owne free wyll and pleasure Whyche Margarett I make and ordeyn my trew and
faythfull executrix of thys my prsent Testament and last wyll In wytnes wherof to thys my prsent
Testament and last wyll I have set my sealle daye and yere aboveseide Then beyng prsent
Br Cowthen Francys prste [?] Richard Parker Cooke and John Hynde wt other

London Commissary Court 22 Jun 1531 to executrix