The Marland Family


Will of William Merlande of Banstead 1524, proved 1526



  In the name of god amen The iijd day of december The yere of our Lord god
a thousande fyve hundred twenty and four I William Merlands Citizen and mercer of London in good
and hole mynde lawde be unto almighty god make this my present testament comending my soule to
my lord god almighty my maker and my redemer by his great mercy and to o' blessed lady saint mary and
to all the holy company of hevyn. And my body to be buried in suche holy sepulture there in that pisshe
Church where I shalbe pishnr of orells where it shall please god to visite me. Item I bequeth to the
pishe Church of Mary Magdaleyn in milk strete vjs viijd. And to hony lane pishe likewide vjs v11jd
Item I bequeth to the mother Church of the diocs of London saint paule vjs viijd. Item I will specially
my detts be paid. Item I bequeth to Alhalowes church of Bansted to make som ornament to the honour
of god sm x mrc st[?sterling] Item I will that a prest of honest and vertuous comdecion singe for my soule my
father and mother soules wt allthose soules that I am bounde to pray for and all xpen soules the space
of fyve yeres next after my decesse. And he to have for his salary ten mrcs ev'y yere. And to synge
in the pishe church where my body shalbe buried. And to that pishe Church likewise I bequeth
fyve mrcs to make som ornament to the hono' of god and o' lady. Item I bequeth x mrcs to the xhibicon
of Scolers studying in divinitie in Cambrige and Oxford as by the discrecion of myn executours
shall seme best to be distributed. Item I will to ev'y of the iiij orders of freres in london xs ev'y order
to say a trentall of masses for my soule father and mother soules wt all those soules that I am bound
to pray for. Item I will to the crossed freres of London there to be praid for sm xxs. Item I bequeth
to every prison house in London as Newgate Ludgate the Kings bench and the Merchalsey vjs viijd
in penyworthes and halfpenyworthes of bred to be gevyn to the pour prisoners there. Item I bequeth
eche of the ?founters likewise to be gevyn iijs iiijd. Item I bequeth to be distributed in other dedes of
charitie as to pour nedy people maidens mariage and mending of high wayes sm v mrcs. Item of
this my testamen I ordeyn and make Jone my Wife and Thomas Polsted gentilman myn executours
geving unto Thomas Polsted x mrcs st and a blak gowne for him and a nother for my maisters his wif
of a noble a yarde. Also I bequeth to maister Thomas Frank gentilman a blak gowne and to my cosyn
his wife a nother of a noble the yarde making him overseer of this my testament geving him a
Ring of gold of the value of xxs praying him to asiste my wife wt his frendly feithfull councel.
Item I bequeth to my suster Hawkyns a blak gowne of like price and Ring of gold of the value
of v nobills making hir a nother overseer of this my will praying her to pray for me of her goodnes.
Item I bequeth my brother Hugh Cryspe a blak gowne and my suster his wife a nother and to my
brother Richard Cryspe another. Item I bequeth to Anne my servnt nowe dwelling in the cuntre a blak
gowne and xxs in money. Item I will every son of my servnts blak gownes of the value of iijs iijd.
Also where as I have gevyn noo rewarde to my brother Thomas Crispe mercer I trust he wille calle
to his remembraunce money due unto me and my wife his suster in conscience and by good right wherfor
he will shew kyndnes aswell therfor as for naturall brotherly inclynacion to the comforte of his sist
for the forbering therof hath disavauntaged me and profited him. Item I will that my body brought
to erthe my funerall to be paid and laystone to be laide. And Residue of my goodes to my wife pformyng
my will and testament. Also I will that my Cosyn Nicolas Browne Clerk a gowne and a paire of
exilia beads gawdied with silver gawdies. Item I will to Edward Merland whan he comyth to his
age of xxvij yeres x mrcs to pray for my soule. This will to stande goode and effectuell wtout I doo
chaunge my mynde hereafter as it shall please god amen per me willm merland mercer

  21 Apr 1526