The Marland Family


Will of William Merland of Minories 1618



  [Spelling somewhat modernised]  
  In the name of God Amen the fifth day of march in the fifteenth year of our sovereign Lord James by the Grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland defender of the faith, and of Scotland the one and fiftieth [5 Mar 1617/18], I, William Merland of the Parish of the Trinitie Minories near the City of London, Esq being sick in body but of good sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
First and principally I give and commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my Creator and to Jesus Christ my only Lord and saviour by the merit of whose most bitter death and passion, I do hope and steadfastly believe to be saved and by no other means, and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in the Parish Church of the Trinity Minories aforesaid in such decent sort as by the good direction of my executors as hereunder names, shall be thought fit and for the disposing of my worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to endow me.
First my will and meaning is that whereas I stand seized of certain lands and tenements and hereditiments lying in and being in the Parish of Preston alias St Leonards in the County of Surrey, now in the occupation of George Richbell or his assigned and of a certain tithe of 10 pound per annum belonging and annexed to the said farm of Preston and of certain lands called Tattnans lying in the parish of Banstead in the aforesaid county now or late in the occupation of me the said William Merland or of my assigns and of certain woods standing upon the manor of Norwood alias Worthie Leas situate and being in the parish of Banstead Ewell and Chipstead containing by estimation 400 acres ready to be felled, which have been viewed and appraised to be worth at this time the sum of twelve hundred pounds and which I hold by lease of Thomas Herendon of Southcroft in the County of Rutland gent.
I will that the same lands and woods together with the said tithe of ten pound per annum of or belonging to the said Manor of Preston shall immediately after my decease be sold by my executors with as much speed as may be procured therefore for and towards the payment of my debts and the discharging of the legacies by me and by this my last will and testament given and whereas I have sold unto Francis Mathewe of Tadworth in the Parish of Banstead in the County of Surrey husbandman, certain woods standing and growing upon the farm of Preston alias St Leonards in the County of Surrey and one whole years tithe of the said farm for the sum of fifty and seven pounds of lawful money of England to be paid at such days and times and in such manner and form as are mentioned and expressed in one indenture dated the fifth and twentieth day of February now last past, made between me the said William Merland on the one party and the said Francis Mathewe on the other party (as by the said indenture appeareth) and whereas diverse and sundry sums of money are due and owing unto me by diverse and sundry persons upon diverse and sundry bonds or writings obligatory or otherwise amounting in the whole to the sum of five hundred pounds or thereabouts, my will and meaning is that as well the said fifty and seven pounds do grow due upon and by force of the said indenture for the sale of the said woods and tithe of Preston as also all other the due debts and sums to me due and owing shall also be employed for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies by me given, and by this my last will and testament.
Item I will that all such debt as in right and conscience I shall owe to any person or persons at the time of my decease, shall be duly paid or good order taken in that behalf and especially of those four hundred pounds to my daughter Elizabeth Merland at such time and in such manner as is mentioned and expressed in the condition of one obligation bearing date fourth day of this present instant month of March, wherein the said William Merland do stand bound to my said daughter the sum of six hundred pounds (if my said daughter be then living)
Item I will that all my household stuff brass, pewter, bedding and other implements and furniture of household which I have given and granted to my said daughter Elizabeth Merland by one writing or deed of gift bearing date fourth day of this instant month of march shall be immediately delivered unto her for her therewith to do and dispose at her own free will and pleasure according to the true meaning of the said writing.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Bartholomewe Merland now being on a voyage to the East Indies the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Edward one hundred pounds of like money to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Thomas one hundred pounds of like money to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Oliffe one hundred pounds of like money to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Robert two hundred pounds of like money to be paid unto him on the day of his marriage or when he shall accomplish the age of twenty one years, which shall first happen.
Item I give and bequeath to my cousin Dennis Fleming ten pounds.
The rest and residue of all and singular my goods and chattels (my debts first paid and funeral expenses discharged) my will and meaning is shall be given and described unto and among all my said children part and portion alike and further my will and meaning is that if any of my sons shall happen to die before the said several legacies shall grow due to the according to the true meaning of this my last will that then his or their portion and portions so dying shall come to the survivors of all my children to be equally divided amongst them part and portion alike and I will that all the portion of my said son Robert shall remain in the hands of my executors hereunder named and be put out to use or otherwise employed for the good of my said son Robert until the same shall grow due to him according to the true meaning of this my will and out of the profit and proceed thereof such money to be paid as shall be laid out by my executors for his maintenance and putting out to prentice or otherwise until he shall come unto the age of one and twenty years or be married and of this my present last will and testament I do make my cousin Dennis Fleming and nephew Robert Caldwell Parson of Sutton in the County of Surrey and my nephew Edward Cordwell of London Haberdasher my full and joint executors in trust nevertheless and to the only use of my said children reposing confidence in them that they renouncing all benefit of appraisment or benefit of my estate will wholly convert the same to the good of my said children and perform this my will, well and faithfully and I make my nephew Mr George Cordwell Esq overseer of this my last will desiring him as much as in him lyeth to see the same duty executed and I do hereby revoke and disallow all former wills and bequests by me in anywise heretofore made and this to stand for and as my last will and testament in witness whereof to this my present testament and last will, I the said William Merland have set my hand and seal the day and year first above written one thousand six hundred and seventeen
William Merland sealed and declared by the said William Merland for and as his last will the day and year aforesaid in the presence of Francis Pettit, Clement Pakenham, and Richard Greene

  First of April 1618 to Thomas Merland and Oliphe Merland as natural and legitimate sons of the deceased, Dennis Fleming, Robert Cordwell and Edward Cordwell executors