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The Marland Family
Administration of Thomas Marland of Hurst 1646 |
Admon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Latin:] ... Sarah Marland widow and relict of Thomas Marland ... of Hurst in the county of Lancaster husbandman and John Falconer of Hough in the County of Chester plowman to be bound and firmly obliged to Edmund Mainwaring LLD chief officer of the Consistory court of Chester bound by £40 to the said Edmund Mainwaring ... as executors 28 Aug 1646 [English:] The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounde Sarah Marland and John Falconer doe well and truely administer all and and [sic] singuler the goodes cattells chattells credits and debtes of the foresaid Thomas Marlande deceased accordinge to the effecte of l[ette]res of administracon to her in that behalfe granted viz: paye all the debtes the said decead dul[y] owed at the time of his decease soe far farth as the said goodes cattells chattells credits and debtes will thereunto extende and the lawe in that behalfe will charge her and doe exhibite in writinge unto the Consistory Courte of Chestera true and pfect Inventary of all and singuler the goodes cattells chattells credits and debtes of the foresaid Thomas Marlande deceased and of and upon the same doe make a iuste and pfecte accompte unto the above named Edmunde Mainwaringe or other Judge competent in that behal[f] when and as often as she shalbe thereunto lawfully called or required and of all such pte and portion of the said goodes cattells chattells and debtes as shalbe founde due and remayninge upo[n] her said accomptes examined allowed shall distribute a[nd] dispose as by the discrecon of the said Edminde Mainwaring or other Judge competent in that behalfe shalbe lymited & appoi[nt] then this prsent obligacon to be voyd and of non effect or else the sa[me] to be and remayne in full power force and vertue Sealed and delivered in the prsence of mark of the said Sarah Marland mark of the said John Falconer Thomas Acton John Bennett |
Inventory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A true and pfect Inventorie of all the goods debts cattell and chattells which late belonged to Thomas Marland late of Hurst within the parich of Ashton underlyne in the Countie of Lancaster yeoman deceassed p[ri]sed and valued the xxiiijth day of August Anno dni 1646 by theise foure men Robert Sclater William Woods Williamson ---