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The Marland Family
Will of Obadiah Marland of Woodpark 1767, proved 1768 |
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Obadiah Marland of Woodpark in the Parish of Ashton under line in the County of Lancaster yeoman do make and publish this my last will and Testament in Manner and form following that is to say First my will and mind is that all my Just Debts, funeral expences and probat of this my last Will and Testament be truly paid out of my personal estate First I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Martha Marland all my estate in Woodpark which I now live upon and also all that my Tenement in Ashton Underline consisting of three - dwelling Houses occupied by James Hibbert Jonathan Taylor and John Whittaker also my estate called Hebbes [?] situated in the Woodpark aforesaid for her own use during her natural life also I give unto her all my House- hold goods and cattle of all Kindes whatsoever during her natural life. But after my beloved wife's decease I give and bequeath all my Tenement or estate in Woodpark whereupon I now live to my beloved Grandson John Marland son of my son Obadiah Marland Deceased he first paying to my executors two hundred and fifty pound and I likewise give unto the said John Marland one seat in the south gal- lery of Ashton Church but if it so happens that the said John Marland die before he arrives at the age of twenty one years provided he be not married then the said estate shall be sold and my son James Marland to have the first of refuse and the money arising from the sale thereof shall be equally divided amongst my Children share and share alike I give and bequeath unto my beloved son James Marland all that my tenement called the Twarlhill, also all that my Tenement called Brownedge both within the Parish of Ashton Underline aforesaid he first paying to my two sons in Law James Cheetham and John Shawcross each one of whom the sum of one hundred pounds, they first deducting out those of to my executors what I am bound or have engaged to pay on their account. Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved son James Marland all that my Tenement in Ashton Underline before at the Decease of my beloved wife he paying two Hundred pounds twelve months after my Wife's decease to be divided equally among my Daughters share and share alike when the Legacies herein mentioned are fully paid and also I give unto my beloved son James Marland two seats in the south Gallery of Ashton Church. Likewise I give and bequeath unto my son in Law John Lees all that my Tenement called Hebbs aforesaid at the Decease of my beloved wife all which gifts and bequeaths I do freely give and bequeath as aforesaid during the term I have in them. Likewise I give and bequeath unto my son in law James Winterbottom the sum of one hundred pounds. Likewise I give and bequeath to my sons in Law James Cheetham and John Shawcross each of whom the sum of fifty pounds. Like wise I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Martha wife of John Williamson the sum eighteen pounds. Likewise I give and bequeath to my two Grandsons Robert Wild and Jonathan Wild each of them the sum of twenty five pounds. Likewise I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Wild's children the sum of twenty five pounds to be paid when they arrive at the Age of twenty one years, but if they die before they arrive at that age my will and mind is that the twenty five pounds shall be equally Divided between Martha wife of John Williamson Robert Wild and Jonathan Wild share and share alike. I give and bequeath to my son in law Robert Wild the sum of five shillings to be paid immediately after my Decease. Likewise I give and bequeath unto my grandson Obadiah Marland one seat on the new erected Gallery on the North side of Ashton Church Likewise I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Martha Marland six seats on the new erected gallery one the North side of Ashton Church during her natural Life and at her Decease they and all any Household goods and cattle and all my utensils for husbandry shall be sold, and the money arising from the sale thereof shall be equally Divided among my Children then living share and share alike and further my will and is that when it may please God that my sister Alice Davenport shall Die that she shall be Decently buried by my executors and my will and mind is that when I shall Die my son James Marland shall pay the Heriot to my Lady Stamford. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved son James Marland and my son in law John Loos executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made IN WITNESS whereof I the said Obadiah Marland have set my Hand and seal this twenty fifth Day of November on the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven Signed sealed published and Declared by this Testator in the Presence of us who have hereunto set our hands the Day & year first within written Be it remembered that the Warde paid and the are to betaken in Directly where they are mark with a Caret and the word Lady SAMUEL FIELDING JOHN DUNKERLY Obadiah Marland his mark and Seal |
Probate | ||
The 26th Day of January in the Year 1768 James Marland and John Lees the Executors within named were sworn in common form before me John Cradock Surrogate Probat issued the 9th Feb: 1768 |