The Marland Family


Will of Obadiah Marland of Twarlhill 1812, proved 1823



  This is the last Will and Testament
of me Obadiah Marland of Twarlhill within the Parish
of Ashtonunder-Lyne in the County of Lancaster Husbandman
being well in Body and of Sound Mind and memory Blessed be
God for the same. Do make this my last Will and Testament in
the manner following that is to say. First I will and direct that all
my just Debts Funeral Expences and the Charge of the Probate of this
my Will shall be paid by my Executor or Executrix hereafter
named and that they use such means as they shall think most
prudent to raise the same from off my Estate or Effects. I give
and bequeath unto my Son Obadiah the sum of five shillings in
full of all gifts or bequeaths whatsoever. I give and devise unto
my son John (if he returns to Old England) those my two Seats or
Sitting Places situate on the North gallery in the Parish Church
of Ashtonunder-Lyne aforesaid To Hold to him his Heirs and Assigns
for ever - But if my son John do not return to Old England I give and
devise the same two seats unto my Grandson John Marland (the son of
George Marland my son) To hold to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever
And I further will and direct that my Daughter Martha Marland Andrew
shall have one of my two last mentioned seats to sit in during her naturall
Life (The said Seats being in a Pew marked Num 13) And as I have
another Seat upon the said gallery I give and devise the same unto my son
George To hold to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And after
my just Debts and Funeral Expences are paid and my Leasehold
Estate lying at Twarlhill aforesaid which I hold under
the Right Honourable the Earl of Stamford and Warrington is clear
from Debts I give and devise the said Anual Rents during my
Interest therein equally amongst my six children
Namely George Marland, John Marland, Martha
Marland Andrew, Sarah Wife of William Schofield, Alice Wife
of George Bertenshaw and Hannah Wife of Robert Kennyon And
that the said Rents be paid to them at every Christmas
And further if there shall happen to be any other Personalty
wheresoever or whatsoever and not before disposed of by me I give and
bequeath the same unto my last mentioned six Children within
twelve months next after my decease Further I will that if any
of my Children happen to die (save my said son Obadiah) and
leave no Child then such share shall go equally amongst my
surviving Children share and share alike. And I do hereby
declare my Mind and Will to be that if any of my Children happen to
die or be already dead (save my said son Obadiah) before a Part or the
Whole becomes due and leave a Child or Children then their share either
to be applied towards the Bringing up of such Child or Children or to be
reserved until they attain the age of twenty one years and then
to be equally devided between and amongst them at the Discretion
of my Executor and Executrix but if my Executor and Executrix faithfully
apply the Whole or a part of such Share whilst such Child or Children
are in their Nonage towards their support they shall not in any
wise be Accountable or Chargeable for what they have Disbursed
on that Account - Provided that whereas I have given unto
my Daughter Martha Marland Fifteen Pounds which it is
my Mind and Will shall be considered as a Part of her equal share
and Portion of my Estate and Effects bequeathed by me to her
aforesaid and the she shall not be entitled unto or receive
any further Share or Portion of my Estate or Effects until
such Share of the Legacy bequeathed as Aforesaid amounts
to fifteen Pounds. And lastly I nominate constitute
and appoint my aforesaid son George Marland and my Daughter
Martha Marland Andrew Executor and Executrix of this my
last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former
Will and Wills by me made and declare this and this only to be
my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth Day of August
in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve

Signed Sealed published and declared
by the Testator Obadiah Marland as and
for his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us and by us attested
and subscribed in his presence
James Marland
Nathaniel Marland
John Marland

Obadiah Marland

  The 20th day of June 1823
George Marland the Exor in this will
named was sworn in common form
& he further made oath that the
personal estate & effects of the testator
within the Diocese of Chester were
under the Value 50£
before me
J Holme Surrogate
The testator died Jany 22nd 1823
Mrs Martha Marland Andrew the Executrix
herein named is dead JH
Probate issued Dated 20th June 1823