The Marland Family


Will of Myles Marland of Hurste 1635



  In the name of God Amen, the Thirteenth day of Februarie Aņo Dni 1632 And in the Eight
yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England and Scotland
France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c I Myles Marland of Hurste within the pish of Ashton
underlyne, in the County of Lancaster yeoman, beinge in good health and pfect remembrance praysed
bee God, yet fyndinge the decay of nature and consideringe the mortalitie of all mankynd, do ordaine
constitute and make this present Testamt: conteyninge herein my last Will, in this maner and forme
as followeth, First, and principally I give bequeath and betake my soule into the hands of almightie
God my Creator and maker, trustinge onely by the merritts of Christ his Death and passion, to bee one
of his Elect and chosen children; And my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence yt came to bee
buried in due and decent order att and by the discrecion of my friends, And for the order and distri
=bution of such goods, cattells, chattells and debts as god hath blessed mee withall and as are due unto
mee, my mynd and will is as hereafter followeth Imprimis, out of my whole goods I give theise
legacies following, First I give and bequeath unto John Leech Jonathan Leech Robert Leech and
Ann Leech children of John Leech the yonger of Litlemoss my sonne in law, to everie one of them
Ten pounds a yeere, Item I give unto Anna and Sarah Marland children of Myles Marland
my soņe, xlvjli to be equally devided betwixt them, and delivred unto them, when they shall accomplish the age of
One and Twenty yeares, or else bee married by the consent of my sonne in law John Leech aforesaid, and
if either of them shall dy before such tyme as aforesaid, Then yt is my will and mynd that the survivour
shall have all, Item I give and bequeath unto William Lees my servant, Three pounds or els a Cowe
worth soe much to bee at his owne eleccon and choyce whether to have, Item yt is my will and
mynd that all the rest and residue of my said goods cattells, chattells and debts, shalbee divyded into
three equall pts, whereof I will that Joan my wyffe, shall have one equall pte, to her owne prop use in
the name of her purport and reasonable pte to her of all my said goods cattells chattells and debts, And
the second equall pte, of all my said goods, cattells chattells and debts, I give and bequeath unto my
daughter Ann, now wyffe of John Leech of Litlemoss aforesaid, And the Third equall pte of all my said
goods chattells and debts after my Funeral expenses and charges about the probat of this my last
Will and Testamt: be pformed and deducted out of the same, I give and bequeath unto the said Ann
my daughter now wyffe of the said John Leech, And of this my present Testamt: I make and ordaine
the said John Leech my sonne in law my true and lawfull Executor, And I desyre Robert Leech of the
Lume, and Charles Knott of Ashton underlyne, to bee Overseers of the same to see it truely executed
and I utterly revoke and adnull, all and everie other former Testamts: Wills, legacies, bequests, executors
and Overseers by mee in any wyse, before this tyme, heretofore named Willed and bequeathed
Theise beinge Wittnesses,
Robert Bardsley, Robert Leech, William Hawoode [?], John Cooke, Joseph Bardsley

Debts oweinge to the Testator
Imprimis James Sidall of Boulton Inkeeper, for Mault xiiijli
and also for a Chest xvjs
Item uxr William Holland of Boulton hosier ixs
Itm Daniell Lorter dwellinge neer Heiwood Chappell
for three hoopes of Mault
Itm William Crompton of Manchester vjli
Itm Gervas Walker of Mossley iiijli
Itm John Newton of Ashton underlyne of lent money xxs
Itm Edward Slater of Hartshead xviijs iiijd
Itm Edmund Lees of Haslehurst xxvs iiijd

Myles + Marland his marke

Whereas the wthin named Mylles Marland hath given unto
William Lees his servant three pounds or a cow worth three
pounds my will is that the wthin named William Lees shall
have but twentie shillinges and the rest of the three pounds bee
tween his mother and his syster grace to ether of them twenti shill

inges a peece [?]
Itm it is my will that the Childeren of John Cooke of Ashton
shall have a legasee of twentie shillinges to bee equally de
vyded a monge them
Itm Further my wille is that James Leech the sonne of
John Leech my sonn in lawe shall have tenn pounds as
I have given the rest of his brothers and sisters
In witness of
Georg Sendsley [?], Robert Leech

[Endorsed: Marland Miles 1635]