The Marland Family


Will of John Marland of Hartshead 1609/10




In the name of god Amen The xvith daye of Februarie in the yeares of the Raigne of o[ur] sovergne Lorde
James by the grace of god kinge of England, Scotland France and Ireland defender of the fayth &c vizt

of England France and Ireland the Seaventh And of Scotland the xliijth 1609[/10] I John Marland of Hartshead
wthin the p[ar]ishe of Ashton under Lyne and Countie of Lancaster husbandman being greeved wth sycknes

in bodie, but of p[er]fecte mynde and in goode Remembrance (I prayse almightie god for the same) knoweing
death to be certeyne to all Creatures, and the hower and tyme thereof most uncerteyne, and to

Avoyde trouble wch might ensewe hereafter, doe Institute Ordayne and make this my testam[en]t Conteyneing
herein my last will in mann[er] and forme followeinge: That ys to say First above all thinges I Comend

my sowle into the hands of almightie god my Creator, trustinge to be saved onely by fayth in the deathe
bloudsheeding and merritts of Jesus Christ myne onelie savyo[r] & Redeem[er], And my bodie I Comitt to the earth from

whence yt came, to be buryed in the p[ar]ishe Church of Ashton under Lyne aforesayd, as neere to myne
Anncestors as Can be trusting to have a glorious Resurreccon. And for those worldly goods, wch god in his greate

mercy hath bestowed uppon mee, I bestowe and bequeath them as followeth Item whereas I have Compounded
and agreed wth my Right Wor[shipful] m[aster?] Sr George Booth of Dunham Massie in the Countie of Chester knight

for this my howse and ten[emen]t wherein & uppon I doe nowe dwell, wth certeyne newe land in exchange for a
Closse being p[ar]cell of my ten[emen]te Called Whytley fyeld, wth all Thapp[ur]t[e]n[a]ncs to this same my said messuage

& ten[emen]te belonginge, All wch ys nowe in my possession and Occupacon, for the terme of Fore score
yeares (yf eyther I, Elizabeth my wief or John I sonne or anie of us doe so longe lyve) for the Conside=

racon of Sixteine pounds, whereof eight pounds ys already paide to the saide Sr George Boothe by mee
And the other eight pounds to be payd to the sayd Sr George Boothe his heires or assignes

uppon the Feast daie of Scte Mychaell Tharchangell next. And my Lease ys not yet sealed, yet in full
truste and Assurrance that my said Wor[shipful] m[aster] will seale and delyver a Lease of the sayd messuage

ten[emen]t and p[re]misses to my wief and Children for the terme before menconed, And because I have not onely
agreed, for this my sayd messuage and ten[emen]t, but also paid the one half of the sayd Fyne for the same

And the other half ys to be paide out of my good at mychaelmas next as aforesayde, I geve and bequeath the
sayd messuage ten[emen]t & p[re]misss wth Thapp[ur]t[e]nancs as followeth, That ys to say yt ys my last will

and mynde, And I geve and bequeath the sayd messuage ten[emen]t & p[re]misses wth Thapp[ur]t[e]nancs to my
three Children John Caleb, and Sara, equally amongest them, untill the sayd John myne eldest sonne, shall come to the

full age of one and twentie yeares: And after my sayd sonne John shall Accomplish the said age of one and
twentie yeares, then yt ys my last will and mynd, And I geve and bequeath the sayd messuage ten[emen]t

and p[re]misses wth all and singular thapp[ur]t[e]n[a]ncs to the sayd Caleb and Sara my yonger sonne and
my daughter, untill they shall have receyved out of the Issues and proffetts thereof, the some of sixteine

eyther of them sev[er]ally the some of Eight pounds of lawfull money of England: And after the sayd Caleb
and sara shall have receyved eyther of them sev[er]allie the some of Eight pounds as aforesayde

Then yt ys my last will and mynde And I geve and bequeath the sayd messuage tenem[en]t & p[re]misses
wth Thapp[ur]t[e]nancs to the sayd John Marland my sonne and his Assignes for and dureing All the Rest

& Residue of the sayd menconed terme of Fower score yeares then remayneinge unexpyred and not
determyned Provyded nev[er]theles and yt ys my last will and mynd that Elizabeth nowe mye

wief shall have hold and Enioye the Moytie or one halfe of all this my said messuage ten[emen]t and p[re]misses
wth Thapp[ur]t[e]nancs for and dureing such and soe manie of the sayd menconed terme of fower score

yeares then remayneinge unexpyred and not determyned, as shee the sayd Elizabeth my wief shall after
my decease lyve chaste and unmaryed, Anie thinge before in this my last will to the

Contrary notwthstandinge Item yt ys my last will and mynde that my debts (yf they be anie) shall be
payd of my whole goods. And then yt ys my last will and mynde that my goods be devyded

into three Equall p[ar]ts, one for my self and forth bringinge, and to be bestowed as hereafter
in & by this my last will I doe Appoynt, The seacond for Elizabeth my wief, And the third & last

p[ar]te to be equally devyded amongest my three Children John, Caleb, and Sara, equally amongest them
Item I geve unto my brother James Marland my best hatt Item I geve unto my brother

Thomas Marland All the rest of myne Apparell lynnen and wollen hose and shoes, uppon Condicon
that he will hereafter frequent the Churche uppon Sabboathe Dayes and other festyvall

Daies, or els they shall be taken from him by myne executors and geven to my two yongest Children.
Item after my forth bringinge, Legasies bequeathed p[er]formed, And Funerall expencs discharged

All the rest of my goods of my p[ar]t I geve and bequeath the same to my two yongest Children Caleb
and Sara to be equally devyded betweine them Item yt is my last will & mynd that all my sayde

three children John Caleb and Sara wth all there porcons of goods and ground, and what els soev[er],
due and belongynge unto them by this my last will, shall be under the tuicon and govern[men]t of the

sayd Elizabeth my wief untill they they [sic] and any of them sev[er]ally and Respectyvely shall come
to the age of one and twentie yeares (yf soe longe she the sayd Elizabeth my wief lyves Chaste

and unmaryed) And yf it fall out my said wief to dep[ar]t this lief and dye, mary, or Comitt adultery
or fornicacon before my sayd three Children, All of them shall Accomplished the sayde

age of one and twentie yeares as afforesayd, then yt ys my last will and mynde that my sayd
three children, or soe manie of them as shall not then have Accomplished the said age of one

and twentie yeares aforesayd wth all there porcons of goods and grounde as aforesayde shall
be under the tuicon and govern[men]t of George Sclater my brother in lawe, until my

sayd Children sev[er]ally and respectyvely shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares as
aforesaide Also yt is my last will and mynde that those wch have the tuicon and

govern[men]t of my sayd Children and there goods and ground as afforesaid, shall ymploye and bestowe
the same to the most proffitt behooffe [behalf] and advantage of my sayd Children, and every of them

by and wth the discreacon [discretion] and helpe of the Overseers in this my last will hereafter in that
behalfe and for that use norated [?nominated] and Appoynted Item I doe Constitute ordayne and make

the trewe and lawfull executors of this my last will (Renounceing all form[er] wills) the sayd Elizabeth
my wief, and the sayd George Sclater my brother in lawe, trusting they will execute

and p[er]forme this my last will in every poynte as my truste ys in them: And I desyre my
loveing neighbor John Taylior, and my brother James Marland to be overseers hereof to see this

my last will p[er]formed

Debts wch I doe owe

Imp[ri]mis to the right wor[shipful] Sr George Booth knight my good m[aster] due
at mychaelmas next - viijl being the latter halfe of my Fyne

Item whereas Rob[er]t Pawnoe hath sued me for xxxl wch he sayth I did promis to
geve him in mariadge wth Margarett his wief, Here I doe tak yt uppon my

Conscience as I shall answer before god, that I do not owe him the same debte nor anie
p[ar]t of yt, nether did I at anie tyme promis to geve him eyther at the said mariadg

or anie tyme since or before that tyme that some of money nor anie p[ar]t of yt nor anie some of money whatsoev[er]

In Wytnesse whereof to this my will I have sett sett [sic] myne hand and Seale the day and year first above wryten.

Sealed signed as & for his last will
in the presenc of these p[er]sons
Lawrence Harrop
John Sclater
Roger Besw[ic]k

A trewe and p[er]fecte Inventary of all the goods and
Cattells wch John Marland of Hartshead in the
p[ar]ishe of Ashton under Lyne and Countie of Lancaster
dyed possessed of pryzed the 14th daye of march
1609 by these men Henry Taylior William Leeze
William Cock and Richard Wynterbottom, and
John knotte


Imp[rim]is a horse & a mare vl    
Item Cattell xxiijl vjs 8d
Item sheepe   xlijs  
Item Corne vjl xiijs 4d
Item heye   xxs  
Item Carts, wheels, harrowes, Carte
geare ploughes shovels spads mattocks
& such lyke wth some tymber
Item in beddinge blanketts, coverletts
& other beddinge wth certeyne wollen
Cloath and lynnen Cloath not shappen
vil xs  
Item Woll xvs  
Item Lynnens   xxiijs  
Item meale and malt and dryst   xxs  
Item grey lynnen yarne xiijs  
Item bedstockes Arks Coffers, bredds
& treine ware [wood ware]
  xxxvs vjd
Item brasse and Pewter   xxs  
Item bacon xvs  
Item sackes vjs viijd
Item butter iijs  
Item quishions [cushions] ijs  
Item axes nogers tonges & ironware iiijs  
Item Apparell for his bodye   xxxs  
Item pullen [Poultry] iijs  
Item Fuell and lyme stoures   xlvjs viijd
Some ys lvijl xixs xd
    [£57 19s 10d]