The Marland Family


Will of John Marland mariner 1743, proved 1750



  In the Name of God Amen
I John Marland Mariner now belonging to His Majestys Ship The
Swift Sloop being of sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby
make this my last Will and Testament first and principally I commend
my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hoping for Remission of all my
Sins through the merits of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer
and my Body to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God and as for such
Worldly Estate and Effects which I shall be possessed of or entitled unto
at the time of my decease I give and bequeath the same as followeth
that is to say unto my loving Kinsman John Woodward of the parish
of St Andrew Holborn and also Citizen and Weaver of London
and I hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said John
Woodward Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second
day of February in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred
and Forty Three and in the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of Our
Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great
Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith John
Marland signed sealed and published and declared by the said John
Marland as and for his last Will and Testament in the presences
of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the
presence of the said Testator Thos Stone in Fetter Lane John
Booth in Barnards Inn John Woodard Jones
[margin note: The name Marland being first amended]

  This Will was proved at London before the Worshipfull
John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master
Keeper of Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
lawfully constituted On the twenty second day of November
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty
by the Oath of John Woodward the Executor named in the said
Will To whom administration was granted of all and singular
the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased being first sworn
duly to administer