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The Marland Family
Will of James Marland of Marland 1584 |
[in the name of ] god amen the xxviiith daye of
maye ... ... [sov]eraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace ... ... [def]endr of the faithe & in ano dni 1584 I J[ames] ... ... Marlande in ... [count]ie of Lanc gomed sycke in bodye but of g... ... I thanke ... this my laste will & testam'te in maner & fo[rm] ... ... soule into the handes of Almightie god who ... goodnes ... deathe of Jesus Christe to have fre... of all my ... ...ther waye or meane and my bodye to be buried in the p... churche yord ... [Roc]hedall or els where yt shall please god to dyspose, Firs[t] as towchinge my [?lawf]ull goods that god hath lente me, yt ys my will and mynde that theye be equallie devydede into thre ptes whereof one thirde pte shalbe & remayne unto Margaret my wyffe as of right to her belongethe, one other thirde pte I gyve & bequet[he] unto my two youngeste children viz Robt and Anne equallye to be devyded amongste them and yf yt please god that my wyffe be wth chylde, yt ys my will and mynde that suche childe or children as god shall sende me shall have yt or theire pton of the laste resyted thirde pte Itm the other and laste thirde pte I reserve to my selfe, Itm I gyve & bequethe unto James Marlande my eldeste sonne all my husbandrie stuffe or els so muche money as my sayde husbandrie stuffe shalbe psed unto Itm ... ... fourthbringge and funerall be dyscharged the reste & reydue of all my pte of goode I doe gyve & bequethe unto my twoe yonger children Robt Marlande & Anne Mar- lande, and unto suche childe of children as my wyffe ys wth childe wthall (yf yt please god that she be wth childe) Itm I doe make my executors margaret my wyffe and willm marlande my brother to see this my testamte conteyninge my last will trulye execute[d] And I doe requeste my trustie Frendes Peter Heywoode gent John Chadwicke of healey my Father in Lawe Willm Deurden & Arthure Bentley to be supvysores of this my sayd will In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my signe in the pnce of Rauffe Holland Robt Buckley p me Jacobu Buckley [????] Itm to my mother ------------ xv s Itm to Robt Chadwicke my brother in Lawe ------------ xiii s |
Admon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Be it knowen unto all and unto whom these
p'sents shall come and Esspeccially unto the Right Worshipful Mr Doctor leche chunnceler of chester gent whereas James Marland of Marland in the parishe of Rochdale and county of lancaster late decessed dyd by his last wyll and testame't bearing date the xxviij day of May in the xxvj yere of the Reigne of Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of yngland france and Ireland etc constitute and ordayne mergret marland wyffe to the said Jamys decessed and Wyllm Marland brother unto the said James Merland Executors of his last wyll and testame't as in the same yt doth playnely apire Now so it is that the said Wyllm merland beyng dyvers thinns requestyd to [inkblot] pbatio of the said wyll accordyng to the trust in hym Reposed by his said brother decessed & doth uttely refuce the same and for the better assurance & certaynte of the same the said wyllm merland beyng called before us Richard Meidgley clerke vicar of Rochedale arther bentley henry warden and Robt chadwyck [?] and beyng demandyd whether he wold accordyng to the trust his said brothr reposed in hym take upo' hym the executio' of the said Executorshipp dyd before us deny the same and utterly refuced to have any dealing in the same and In witnesse hereoff we have sette or hands and seales the second day of July in the xxvj yere of the Reigne of Elizabeth by the grac of god Quene of yngland France and Ireland ao dni 1584 |
Inventory | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The true Invintory of the goodes And cattells of James marland of the paroche of Rachdall lattly deseased being presed be theise honest men William Duirden Henry Hardman Jefferay Teliar [?] & Thomas brearlaye being presed the xth of June Aņo Domņi 1584