M |
The Marland Family
Will of Elizabeth Marland widow of Hartshead 1613, proved 1614 |
In the name of God Amen The one and twentieth daye of october in the eleventhe
yeare of the raigne of o' sovergne Lorde James by the grace of God kinge of England France and Ireland Defender of the faythe etc And of Scotland the xlvijth yeare 1613 I Elizabeth [M]arland late wief of John Marlande late of Hartsheade in the Countie of Lancaster husbandman deceassed beinge sicke in bodie, but in good and pfecte mynde and memory I prayse almightie god for yt same, knowing deathe to be certayne to every Creature, and the hower and tyme of death uncertayne, And to avoyde trouble wch might ensewe hereafter, purposing by the Assistance of gods holie spirite to sett such things in order, as god in his mercy hath bestowed upon mee, doe institute ordayne and make this my testamte conteyning herein my last will in mannr and forme followeinge That is to saye First above all things I comend my soule into the hands of almightie god my Creator trustinge to be saved onely by faythe in the deathe merritts and bloud sheedinge of Jesus Christ myne onely savior and redeemr, and my bodie comitt to the earth from whence yt came, to be buryed in the pishe Churche of Ashton under Lyne as neere to my husbande as maye be, trustinge to have a glorious Resurreccon, and for my worldly goods I dispose them as followethe: Item yt is my last will and mynde, that my debts shalbe payde of my whole goods, And then yt is my last will and mynde and I geve and bequeathe unto Sara my daughter a Fetherbed, a bolster, a pillowe, two newe blanketts, a newe Coverlett, a payre of Fyne Flaxen sheets: Item I geve unto Caleb my sonne, A coverlet, two blanketts, a bolster, a pillowe, a payre of sheets, and a Chaffe bedde, all best next to those formrlie by me in and by this my last will bequeathed unto Sara my daughter,: Item I geve unto my sonne John Marlande, All ploughes harrowes, Carts, wth all things belonginge to husbandrye two greate Arkes, and two Calves, and bedcloathes to be him a bedde: Item I geve to every one to whom I am gnd mother vjd a peece: Item after my forth bringinge Legasies bequeathed pformed and Funeral expence discharged, all the Rest of my goods I geve to be equally devyded betwixt my two Children Caleb and Sara to be equally devyded betwixt them, Item it is my last will and mynde that my three Children John Caleb and Sara wth all to them in and by this my last will bequeathed shalbe under the tuicon and governmte of George Sclater my brother untill they sevrally [severally] come to the age of one and twentie yeares: And yt is my last will and mynde that their porcons of goods shalbe ymployed and bestowed for their most profitt and advantage untill they sevrally come to the age afforesayde: Item I Constitute ordayne and make the trewe and lawfull executors of this my last will the sayde George Sclater my brother, and John Marland my sonne, And overseers of the same Nicholas Leeze and James Marlande. Item I owe unto my three children John Caleb and Sara their Childe porcons geven and bequeathed unto them by my late husband John Marland their father his last will, as by his will, and Inventary of his goods appeareth: In witnesse whereof to this last will I have sett myne hande and seale the daye and yeare first above wryten Sealed signed and published in the presence of these psons Richard Winterbothom his marke Elizabeth Marland her marke Roger Beswyck |
Inventory A trewe Inventarye of all the goods and Cattells |
Imprimis in Corne and heye | xiijl vjs viijd | ||
Item one mare | xlvjs viiijd | ||
Item in Cattell | xxvli | ||
Item one Swyne | xxxiijs iiijd | ||
Item Carts wheiles [...] ploughes harrowes, hovells spade mattocks and such lyke |
xxxs | ||
Item in bedsteeds Arks Coffers and trene ware and boarde |
xxxvs vjd | ||
Itm in brasse and pewter | xxs | ||
Item axes Nogers and a payre of tongues and other Iron ware |
iiijs | ||
Item in beddinge in Linnens and wollen cloathe unshappen |
xijl | ||
Item in meale and malte | Ls | ||
Item in butter and Cheese | xiiijs | ||
Item in Fuell | vjs viijd | ||
Item in quishions Cheares and stoles | ijs | ||
Item in pullen | viijs | ||
Item in apparell for her bodie | xxxs | ||
Item in money | xijl | ||
Lxxl xviijs xd | |||
Debts oweing to her three children John Caleb and Sara |