The Marland Family


Will of Jane and Anne Marland of Ashton 1656, proved 1659



  Testamentum Jane et Anne Marland:

In the name of God Amen the Twentie six day of October in the yeare of our
Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie and six I Jane Marland and I Anne
Marland Daughters of Roger Marland deceased in the Towne of Ashton under Lyne in
the County of Lancaster being both of us not in health of body but of good and
perfect minde and memory praised be God considering the frailty of this
transitory life death to be most Certain but the time thereof most uncertain
and having an earnest desire that Love and amity may Continue and remain amongst
our friends after our decease Doe constitute ordain and make This our last Will
and Testament in manner and form following first and principally Wee give and
commend our Souls into the hands of Almighty God our Creator and Redeemer trusting
assuredly through Faith in Christ Jesus our only Saviour to receive free remission
of all our sins and to be made partakers in everlasting life together with the
Company of the Elect [And bapt - deleted] And our bodies Wee Commit to the
Earth from whence they Came to be buried in the parish Church of Ashton under
Line or in Christian burial where God shall appointee And for our Temporal
Estate of Goods That God hath blessed us with Our will and mind is that they
be disposed of and distributed as followeth Inprimis It is our mind and will
That our Funeral Charges or whatsoever Charges our Executors shall be utt unto
shall be taken out of the whole Goods Then it is our mind and We doe give to
Five Children of Samuel Higgombothum of Harst to every one of them Twentie
shillings a peek. Item to Robert Roades son of James Roades Twentie shillings
To Roger Marland Son of William Marland Twentie Shillings To John Marland
son of William Marland Twentie Shillings To Martha Marland daughter of William
Marland four pounds to Sarah Smith daughter of Daniel Smith Three pounds whereof
Twentie Shillings is in her Fathers hands Item to the eldest son of Samuel
Hegginbothum One Great Coffer below bought Lock To Mary Heginnbothum daughter
of Samuel Heginnbothum A little Coffer that has Henry Marlands name To Anne
Smith wife of Daniel Smith one hat and a Carsie Coate of Ann and one Coverlidd
to Sarah Leech daughter of William Leech one Coffer in the hed of the house
And Anne Bible and one Flaxen sheet to Ester Travis daughter of John Travis
Ann best Coat and one Flaxen sheet To Margarett Leech wife of William Leech
Jane Best Waistcoat More to Hester Travis Anne Leafes her best Apron and best
handkerchiefs To Martha Marland Anne Leafes her green Coat And after all
Legacies are paid and our funeral Charges it is our mind and will that the
Residue and remainder of our Goods be equally divided betwixt James Travis
son of John Travis and John Leech son of William Leech And this our last
Will and Testament: Wee doe make John Travis and William Leech our joint
Executors hoping they will discharge the trust wee repose in them And wee
desire John Heywood of Tant Overseer to see that this our last Will and
Testament be discharged as our trust is reposed in them Jane Marland mark
sealed signed and delivered in the presence of these John Leech John Heywood.


  Jane and Anne Marland
This will was proved att London ye Nyne and twentieth day of
June in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred Fiftie
and Nyne before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting
Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of John Travis one
of the Executors named in the above written last Will and Testament
of the deceased to whome Administration of all and singular the
Goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased was granted and
Committed he being first legally sworne by vertue of a Commission
truly and faythfully to administer the same Power being nevertheless
reserved to John Leech the other executor to make like probate and
granting like Administration when he shall Come and in Legall manner
require the same