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The Marland Family
Will of Alice Marland of Bradlee widow 1589 |
In the name of god amen the Sixt day of October in the Yeare of or
Lorde god 1589 I Alice Marlande widowe late wife of Henrie Marlande late of Bradlee in the Countie of Lancaster husband man deceassed being sicke in bodie but of good and pfect memorie praysed by god there fore doe constitute ordaine & make this my last will and testament in manner & forme followinge That is to daye first I comend my soule into the hands of all mightie god and my bodie to christian Burial in sure and certaine hope of the resurrectione through Jesus Christ my savior and Redeemer unto life and joy eternall And for my goods Chattells and debts in whose soever hands they bee or by whome soever owinge yt is my will and pleasur And I give & bequethe my apparell & twentie shillings in money unto Mgerie Seddon my servante Itm I give and bequeath all the rest and Residue of my seid goods Chattells and Debts what soever unto Annes Fletcher my servante whome also I doe make sole executrixe of this my last will & Testamente Given under my signe in the prsence of the prsnce whose names are subscribed Sealed signed and for my dede in the presence of Edmund Hardman Ric Hawerse Randle Hardmane Robert Chadwicke wth others By me Alice Merlande |
Inventory A true Inventorie of all the goods and