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The Marland Family
Edward A Marland - Electrical Engineer |
After a grammar school education tending towards pure science E. A. Marland was trained as an electrical engineer at University College Nottingham, mainly because of the difficulty, in the early nineteen-thirties, of finding an outlet in industry for the pure physicist. At the outbreak of war, Marland was working in Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company on the development of electrical depth-sounding for marine purposes, and during the war he worked on anti-submarine devices for the Admiralty. Since the war he has been employed by the London County Council as a lecturer on scientific subjects in a Technical College. Mr. Marland is now a part-time postgraduate student in the department of History and Philosophy of Science at University College, London. His hobbies are sailing and photography, and endeavouring to keep up with a son and a daughter. Mr Marland holds a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, and a Master's Degree in pure Science from London University, and is an Associate Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Edward Marland (1912-81) was the Author of Early Electrical Communication (1964), published by Abelard-Schuman Ltd, from which this biographical note is taken. |